I've currently got 4 Alicante tomato plants on the go, planted in early/mid feb (early, but at the time I was just so desperate to actually plant something that I planted them anyway!).
They have been doing really well, but are slightly leggy from being grown on a very busy windowsill (one windowsill available in our house that gets good light and they had to share with cucumbers, melons and onions too
) - one is already approaching 18 inches tall and the rest are about a foot high or just over.
The problem is they were fine and dandy, until I decided to try them out in the greenhouse because the weather was so nice - and I think that's where I made a mistake - I put them out there at the end of last week when it was (for me) a lovely warm few days, but they seem to have thrown a paddy because three went quite floppy-leaved, especially at the top, less so at the bottom. One was looking fine, and they were all well watered out there, they didn't suffer in that respect.
I brought them all back in the house after a couple of days because I figured it was too hot out there during the day or too cold at night, but now even with the stable house temperature the fourth one's leaves are now taking a downturn, which is worrying! The other three are pretty much the same.
I was thinking that could it possibly be nothing to do with the temperature considering they have continued to be iffy even with being brought back in the house, and maybe instead they need a further potting on? They are tall plants, and they are in small pots, could it be that they have sucked the goodness out of the compost they are in and need to be potted on to bigger pots? I really know zilch, I am doing everything pretty much blind and I fear I might have done for these, the poor victims that they are!
They have been doing really well, but are slightly leggy from being grown on a very busy windowsill (one windowsill available in our house that gets good light and they had to share with cucumbers, melons and onions too

The problem is they were fine and dandy, until I decided to try them out in the greenhouse because the weather was so nice - and I think that's where I made a mistake - I put them out there at the end of last week when it was (for me) a lovely warm few days, but they seem to have thrown a paddy because three went quite floppy-leaved, especially at the top, less so at the bottom. One was looking fine, and they were all well watered out there, they didn't suffer in that respect.
I brought them all back in the house after a couple of days because I figured it was too hot out there during the day or too cold at night, but now even with the stable house temperature the fourth one's leaves are now taking a downturn, which is worrying! The other three are pretty much the same.
I was thinking that could it possibly be nothing to do with the temperature considering they have continued to be iffy even with being brought back in the house, and maybe instead they need a further potting on? They are tall plants, and they are in small pots, could it be that they have sucked the goodness out of the compost they are in and need to be potted on to bigger pots? I really know zilch, I am doing everything pretty much blind and I fear I might have done for these, the poor victims that they are!