Hi everyone,
Is anyone else having trouble finding "loose" seed potatoes in garden centres and nurseries this year or is it confined to Pembrokeshire?
[Yes I know Pembs. new potatoes are superb, but I get a buzz from rooting around in my plot then munching on freshly cooked taters less than 30 mins later.]
I like to grow a few of several different varieties so even 1kg is too much and I object ot paying post and packing for mail order. (sorry this is becoming a long rambling rant)
Happy chitting
Is anyone else having trouble finding "loose" seed potatoes in garden centres and nurseries this year or is it confined to Pembrokeshire?
[Yes I know Pembs. new potatoes are superb, but I get a buzz from rooting around in my plot then munching on freshly cooked taters less than 30 mins later.]
I like to grow a few of several different varieties so even 1kg is too much and I object ot paying post and packing for mail order. (sorry this is becoming a long rambling rant)
Happy chitting