Having tried reasonbly sucessfully (apart from the stringiness) to grow celery last year, I was going to try in a different place.
In My garden is a bed on top of the patio, about 8" deep and lined with a polythene/butyl type liner.
The previous occupants had made it, but as it is in pretty much total shade from a large hedge, not a lot grows there.
Having been advised that Celery needs watering even when it's raining, I thought this bed would be ideal as it does hold quite a bit of water owing to the lining ( Not completely water tight, but you get the picture, I hope)
To get to the point, is there any point in trying to grow Celery in an area that gets almost no sun?
In My garden is a bed on top of the patio, about 8" deep and lined with a polythene/butyl type liner.
The previous occupants had made it, but as it is in pretty much total shade from a large hedge, not a lot grows there.
Having been advised that Celery needs watering even when it's raining, I thought this bed would be ideal as it does hold quite a bit of water owing to the lining ( Not completely water tight, but you get the picture, I hope)
To get to the point, is there any point in trying to grow Celery in an area that gets almost no sun?