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Sweetcorn - when do you plant out?


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  • Sweetcorn - when do you plant out?

    I seem to have lost my packet..

    I sowed some sweetcorn in loo rolls (think I watered them too much, as the rolls are all wet). They're a bit larger as I took this photo a couple days ago, but when would be the best time to plant them out?

    In Sq foot gardening, how many would you put to a square - 1? Can't decide to put them in my sq ft bed, or a bed to themselves. I know they need to be planted in a block, and have adequate space in both beds to do so.
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  • #2
    Looking at my garden diary, I planted out in mid May last year, after hardening off for two weeks at the lottie.

    Mine are between 4 - 7 inches above the soil now (also in loo rolls). I usually wait until the plants are thick-ish and sturdy-ish before planting out, or sooner if the roots are bursting through.

    I plant in a square block, with approximately 14 inches between each plant and row. That's tighter than some, but it works for us.
    I don't roll on Shabbos


    • #3
      P.s. they are great for underplanting (provided your soil is in good shape). They let in lots of light. You could try squash or something - I'm trying those little patty-pan squashes this year.
      I don't roll on Shabbos


      • #4
        oh gosh, i haven't even sown any yet


        • #5
          I was a bit early, maybe.

          I've still got some to sow this weekend - just got my packet of Strawberry Popcorn through the post this week.

          You've got time yet... they do grow very quickly!
          I don't roll on Shabbos


          • #6
            Im planning on potting mine out the 2nd weekend of may, weather dependant, they are growing very quickly in their pots.


            • #7
              I have put my first lot to chit on wet paper towels in the airing cupboard, hoping to be able to plasnt them this weekend, then a second lot in two weeks to ensure better pollination (theoretically)
              Aiming to plant out the first lot first weekend in June.


              • #8
                Sowed mine one day last week in root trainers but they're not through yet. Planted out after the last frosts, last year was running late and and didn't plant out until mid June and they did fine according to OH although I think they're horrible.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                  when would be the best time to plant them out?
                  When absolutely every last possibility of a frost has gone. It's better to plant out too late than too early because a frost will kill them. I didn't plant mine out until late June last year and had a bumper crop. I'd wait until mid May at the earliest, but it really depends on your area.

                  Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                  In Sq foot gardening, how many would you put to a square - 1? Can't decide to put them in my sq ft bed, or a bed to themselves.
                  Only one to a square. They need plenty of space around them. 18 inches between each plant is good. A lot of people recommend smaller spacings like 12 inches, but that's too close together from what I've seen of people planting too close.

                  The reason for planting in a block is to aid wind pollination. However if you hand pollinate (only takes a few minutes) it's unnecessary. I always hand pollinate, just to be certain, even though I plant in a block.

                  I'd save your square foot gardening space for crops that are better suited to it, plant your sweetcorn seperate. One foot spacing is too close in any case and the block of sweetcorn will cast a shadow.


                  • #10
                    Sowed mine last week and their up - what I really need is tips on is how to stop the cat eating the corn seedlings! Cat can spot them a mile off and will plough through cacti to get to them- found my best cacti on the floor this morning and corn chewed to the base


                    • #11
                      I'm sowing sweetcorn this weekend; I plant mine closer than they say; and I plant in a spiral not in a block.....


                      • #12
                        I planted mine closer last year and had plenty of cobs. Didnt plant out till mid May
                        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                        • #13
                          You should have seen this garden I went to earlier this week Fi.

                          They are a fully self sufficient community - and they leave no prisoners when it comes to packing the veg in.

                          The leeks were being harvested and they were packed so close you couldn't get a fag paper in between them. I think they grow in modules and just plant them out module by module [a bit like I already do spring onions] and they just push each other apart. No dibbing with x inches in between. No siree!!!

                          I am hoping to go back in a few months to have another look when the veg is in full flow. It was a beautiful sight the way they grow things.
                          Last edited by zazen999; 24-04-2010, 08:05 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                            I'm sowing sweetcorn this weekend; I plant mine closer than they say; and I plant in a spiral not in a block.....
                            You hoping for crop circle's there zazen? lol Sorry couldn't resist.

                            Well I planted some last week and have only managed to get one shoot from about 6, so I thought to hell with it, throw the 9 seeds directly into my planter and planted closer than anyone due to lack of space (about 6" in all directions from next seed - oops)

                            Oh well if they don't come up, no love lost.
                            I lost all 6 of last years that I bought from the garden centre, cos my dog's were eating the leaves!


                            • #15
                              I often wonder if the spacings quoted are those used by farmers with machinery? I usually plant mine closer together than it says on the packet - in a bed system there's no need to leave row spacings, and, you can turn the plants so that they 'interleave' with each other so they slot together nicely when they get bigger.

                              Oh, and I haven't sown mine yet either - can't plant them out til the end of May, so no point in getting too far ahead of myself
                              Last edited by SarzWix; 24-04-2010, 09:24 AM.


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