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Has anyone grown these Toms before ?


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  • Has anyone grown these Toms before ?

    Hi y'all
    Have any of you grapes out there grown any of the following varieties of tomato before. Have been given them by friend as a good luck present - he bought them from Plants of Distinction (Simply Vegetables)
    Black Cherry
    Alaskan Fancy
    Jersey Devil
    Any comments - other than what is in the seed catalogue - would be welcome.
    I thank you

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God

  • #2
    Hi SR

    I grew Jersey Devils last year and had a great crop. The fruits get quite big and heavy, so some of them had to ripen in the drawer, so make sure they have good support.

    They are really fleshy and are great for tomato sauce, passata and chunky tomato soup. Great flavour too!

    I hope it helps!


    • #3
      I have some Black prince seeds but I have no info on when to start them has anyone any iders
      Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


      • #4
        I'm trying black cherry this year for the first time, also from Plants of Distinction. Will keep you posted on how they get on. Dobby, starting time depends on what heat and light you have available. They can be started now, but as my greenhouse is unheated and they get leggy if kept on a windowsill I'm going to wait till early March.


        • #5
          I presume that these are tomato seeds???? Not grown them but would just start them with the rest of your tomato seeds. Alternatively if I'm being ignorant and they're peppers or something then plant them slightly earlier.

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
            Hi y'all
            Have any of you grapes out there grown Black Cherry?
            We've got some seeds, can't wait to get them started. I have a real fetish for black plants (PS. my black hollyhock seeds are being posted out this weekend)
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Two Sheds
              Know what you mean about "black plants" I have a Sambucus nigra "Black Lace" which is beautiful, three or four clumps of Ophiopogon planiscapus "Nigrescens" (Black Grass), as well as several clumps of dark coloured Heucheras.

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • #8
                Hi Piglette
                I grew some black toms last year, I don't know the exact variety as I bought them off e-bay and the writing was in crylic. They grew very well but were more a dark brown than black. my OH said they had a different texture to ordinary toms and we discovered that they were fantastic cooked but a bit disappointing raw.


                • #9
                  I'm growing Black Cherry for the first time this year. Got them from T&M because they were one of the cheaper ones and I fancied trying something different.

                  Kirsty b xx


                  • #10
                    I am growing the black cherry from T&M this year (it was a bargin 99p) and a black russian tom from POD. Both are doing ok.


                    • #11
                      I've got some black russian on the go but thought I'd try saving the seed from the "Red Devil" toms my mum brought over from Jersey on her trip. These are a "normal" shape and size whereas the description of the Jersey Devils is that they are slightly pear shaped.

                      Does anyone know whether the Red Devil is a cordon or a bush?
                      Bright Blessings

                      If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                      • #12
                        We're growing Black Cherry tom's this year, from T&M seed.

                        They were sown in Feb, and are now about knee-high and growing really well despite us not having a greenhouse or warm conservatory.


                        • #13
                          had to start some more toms of dew to the frost last week some of them died outside
                          hopeing its not too late we stil have lots in the green house but wont to make shore we have enough
                          we also got the black cherry from T&M cheap
                          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                          • #14
                            i grew black cherry last year, they are quite small and sweet. The colour did seem to put people off, but they were really tasty


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