I had planned to pot on some of my veg plants this week, as some seem fairly big, but when I tried to get them out of the modules, the compost was all crumbly and there didn't seem to be any roots holding it together.
I tried with a tomato plant that is about 5 inches tall and then with a flower and both were the same. They're all in individual modules in those trays, the ones with 15 modules in each, but I was scared to do any more after I saw what the first one was like in case I killed them.
Am I just trying to pot them on too early? I can't see any roots poking through the bottom, so are they still okay in those pots or is there something wrong with them, because they've only got tiny little root systems going???
As a side issue, I'm a little confused as to when I should start feeding my tomatoes tomato food. I've read that it's when the first flower truss develops. How do I tell when these are on the plant, as they've got a few sets of real leaves now but no flowers yet.
Yes, I'm a stresshead!
I tried with a tomato plant that is about 5 inches tall and then with a flower and both were the same. They're all in individual modules in those trays, the ones with 15 modules in each, but I was scared to do any more after I saw what the first one was like in case I killed them.
Am I just trying to pot them on too early? I can't see any roots poking through the bottom, so are they still okay in those pots or is there something wrong with them, because they've only got tiny little root systems going???
As a side issue, I'm a little confused as to when I should start feeding my tomatoes tomato food. I've read that it's when the first flower truss develops. How do I tell when these are on the plant, as they've got a few sets of real leaves now but no flowers yet.
Yes, I'm a stresshead!
