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Parsnip germination


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  • #31
    anthonyjb, what a lovely honest person you are! you're just as honest as I was when I first started growing veg three years ago, and I'm here to tell you that honesty pays time and time again. There's simply no point in being too shy to ask what seems to be a daft question, because in all truth, we've all asked that same question ourselves. I know I did !
    and you'll find that every seemingly 'daft question' leads to a sensible (or just as daft) answer, to make things that little bit clearer every time.
    This is a really great forum, and very helpful people, so it's wise to keep asking questions at every opportunity.


    • #32
      Thank you Wellie very nice of you

      I lay grass with the green side up


      • #33
        Anthony that is just the way Nick does it!! Sound advice - green side up!!!


        • #34
          I read books
          how are you Lesley


          • #35
            Oh not too bad Anthony thank you.

            I'm always here with my pea stick at the ready!!!


            • #36
              great will wait till the weather gets better
              Lesley on this forum is it possible to type in a subject say potatoes and get all the post of that subject


              • #37
                Anthony there is a search at the top of the forum. Click on that and as you say just type in potatoes. Or after you click on search next click on Advanced Search. This can narrow the search down.


                • #38
                  Is it just me, or did we not get an answer to the question 'how long between sowing on kitchen roll and planting out?'
                  Sorry if I missed this, but I've looked through and can't see anything. After failing to grow parsnips last year (maybe soil was still too cold in Feb, or maybe I sowed them too deeply since it was my first time) I'm keen to give this method a go. Anyone...?


                  • #39
                    Not sure Waffler ,but I think as soon as the seed germinates & you see the shoot start to appear you plant it out.
                    Into every life a little rain must fall.


                    • #40
                      With my attempt at parsnip germination, I put them into modules (with tweezers) as soon as I saw a thread of growth from them. Then yesterday I planted them into the ground just as they were breaking into proper growth (without hardly any root so they get away in the soil properly) and I will now sit and wait to see but they looked okay.


                      • #41
                        I've just bought some cloches - should I put one out to warm the soil first? Also, do I leave the cloche over the parsnips for the first part of their lives or will it make them too warm? Having unsuccessfully direct-sowed parsnips last year LJ I'm reluctant to do it again. However, I might do what someone else said they'd do, and do a half and half experiment.


                        • #42
                          This is 'my take on it' from what I did last year....
                          I pregerminated the parsnip seed on damp kitchen paper on 4th March.
                          By 15th March, the seeds were starting to show signs of germination.
                          This was done within the confines of the cottage, so probably between 10 and 18 ish degrees C within that time.
                          I hope this helps with the germination side of your question.
                          And yes, if you are able to put a cloche over the area you will be planting your Parsnips, then even better. Double Bubble.
                          Hope this helps.


                          • #43
                            Im know this is going to sound thick.......could someone please tell me what a module??? I'm having a wild guess....dont laugh! Is it a tray??? Like I said in previous threads!- I am completly new to this so please forgive me! x


                            • #44
                              Ahh thanks!


                              • #45
                                i didnt realise that parsnips were so difficult! I too have left it late to collect loo rolls, i was thinking of using egg trays with the bottom cut out, do you think this would work?


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