oops I was a tad too hasty to re-sow the courgettes and squash that I forgot to fleece one night at nanna's garden (it frosted the night after I put them out and I had fleeced them the first night). I thought they were all dead, so I pulled all the labels out and took them homoe, re-sowed the whole lot..... and you guessed it went today to earth up the spuds to find they had all bar one stared regrowing and look fine.
That leaves me with 2 problems - no idea which plant is which until they start producing a harvest and no idea to put the 20 extra plants I have re-sown and are about 2 weeks off ready to go out...
ho hum, wonder if her other neighbour wants to lend me a bit of their garden too
That will teach me to be so efficient and hasty lol
That leaves me with 2 problems - no idea which plant is which until they start producing a harvest and no idea to put the 20 extra plants I have re-sown and are about 2 weeks off ready to go out...
ho hum, wonder if her other neighbour wants to lend me a bit of their garden too

That will teach me to be so efficient and hasty lol