I bought a cheap , non branded watering kit and the drippers were useless. A few worked but most let out no water. 2 were too fast. In the end I found a better solution. Pierce the small black tube with a drawing pin every 12". The water will squirt out, so to make it a more controlled drip, get some tube which slips over the black tube, cut it into 15mm sleeves and slip 1 over each piercing. You can just wrap a bit of tinfoil around instead if you cant find some tube for the sleeves.
Also, the best thing for the system is a pressure reducing valve, adjusts from 1psi to 70psi. I set mine at 8 psi and had 40 drips going nicely and once its adjusted and locked theres no fiddling with the tap to try and regulate flow, just open tap wide each time. Also, theres no risk of pressure build up blowing push fittings off.
Now Ive done all that were bound to have a wet summer, sorry.
Also, the best thing for the system is a pressure reducing valve, adjusts from 1psi to 70psi. I set mine at 8 psi and had 40 drips going nicely and once its adjusted and locked theres no fiddling with the tap to try and regulate flow, just open tap wide each time. Also, theres no risk of pressure build up blowing push fittings off.
Now Ive done all that were bound to have a wet summer, sorry.
