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  • #16
    We were affected quite badly last year with a dodgy supply of muck that wiped out almost all our crops at the lottie - it was our first year and very very disappointing. I did start a thread about it!!

    Fortunately this year seems to be ok as the other half dug it in well and the soil micro-organisms seem to have done their thing.

    I feel very sorry for anyone in the same position as we were last year - you really do have my deepest sympathies - lots of very hard work for nothing. The government had banned its use and has now re-instated it, apparantly its use is going to be stictly monitored blah blah blah.


    • #17
      How long does it take to show first symptoms?I just got the load this week and happily spreaded some muck over some tatties and planted dwarf runner beans(they look normal so far).Just keeping my fingers crossed it's going to be ok.


      • #18
        It takes several weeks before the bacteria start to breakdown the remains of the grass or hay, which releases the aminopyralid to do the damage.
        Last edited by realfood; 06-06-2010, 07:32 PM.


        • #19
          I cant believe I have been so stupid I have read this thread and taken on board all of the advice BUT what a plonker !

          I have Been looking after a neigbours plot who had some really old muck on it so I thought oh that muck will be fine its really old.

          Why oh Why did I fill my bean trenches with the stuff beans are all looking really poorly now Have dug out one trench and replaced it with my own home compost.

          Any one else tried this and more importanly did it work.


          • #20
            I don't know yet TB; I have been digging, raking, shifting and soon will be sieveing to get rid of this stuff from my beds.

            If the potatoes ever break the soil surface again I'll let you know.

            Where I have dug, raked and removed as much as I can, the crops seem to be ok so far. Touch wood.


            • #21
              Thanks for that zazen I will just hope that it works may even make a seperate area tonight where my over wintered onions are and sown some more beans. It will either be the case that we have loads of beans or none.

              I really feeel bad for the OH she had a medical condition which meant she could not eat Runners she had a major op last september and all is well this year she has been so looking forward to eating Runners this year as she loves them no pressure there then.


              • #22
                If they dont bounce back tb Im sure there are some of us grapes that could sort out some for you

                Please give blood and if possible please give bone marrow.

                SAVE LIVES TODAY

                Subscriber to the mojo mailing list


                • #23
                  Thanks Jax watch this space I will keep the grapes updated.


                  • #24
                    Why the heck do farmers use that chemical. surely they spread some of the manure on theyre own land?
                    Save Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock. Coma and Painted Lady butterflies. Dont cut stinging nettles in summer.
                    Only cut nettles grown in the shade.


                    • #25
                      Yes, some farmers have lost their own crops of potatoes because they did not read the label correctly!!


                      • #26
                        lost all my earlies this year through contaminated manure, and then all my greenhouse toms and cues because i used B and Q organic feed i had left from last year. apparently it was withdrawn from use last year but unfortunately i didn,t see the announcement. i t hink i,ll revert to my own compost and feed with comfrey tea ! !


                        • #27
                          Can I suggest that you report the manure aminopyralid problem to green lane allotments so that we can keep a tab on the outbreaks at Manure Menu Aminopyralid Contamination of Manure

                          It was "gardening which" that found the problem with with the B&Q organic fertilizer. The chemical involved was clopyralid, another hormone weedkiller developed by Dow. Clopyralid is actually licensed to be used on garden lawns, and the problem will continue until such use is banned.


                          • #28
                            thanks for the reply,i have contacted greenlane as you suggested.their map is a revelation, i didn,t know it was so widespread.


                            • #29
                              Ben Raskin at the Soil Association has set up a simple google form to log instances of aminopyralid and clopyralid damage to crops. Victims of contaminated manure / compost can log it at the web address below. This will help to form a broader picture of the scale of the problem.

                              Aminopyralid and Clopyralid Contamination Questionnaire


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                                I don't know yet TB; I have been digging, raking, shifting and soon will be sieveing to get rid of this stuff from my beds.

                                If the potatoes ever break the soil surface again I'll let you know.

                                Where I have dug, raked and removed as much as I can, the crops seem to be ok so far. Touch wood.
                                Note: my potatoes never did break surface again; lost the lot.

                                I've heard today that the manure will be picked up and removed by the end of next week.

                                They [DOW] pay �300 per load to farmers to take it off site and dispose of it; but we get jack all; apart from losing our growing space for 1-2 years and losing all the seed/seed pots that we bought. We've probably lost �300 and the farmers gain �300.....nice eh?


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