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  • Failures

    Ok, I'm feeling sorry for myself, because I seem to have had more failures this year than ever before.

    But, I was chatting to another local grower and discovered it wasn't just me who has failed with sweetcorn this year (two sowings, two lots rotted after germination - nighttime temps too unstable methinks).

    So, I wondered, what else have people failed with this year? Maybe we'll discover it isn't just us, and therefore be a tiny bit less depressed.

    As well as sweetcorn, I have failed with beans. They start to germinate, and then abort. They've been started in the greenhouse. I'm thinking of trying one last time, but to be honest I am very fed up about it. I've been growing veg for years, and seem to be getting worse at it

    So, what has failed for you this year?
    Growing in the Garden of England

  • #2
    Mainly Brassicas, have lost all of my cabbages, sprouts, most of my caulis. Sweetcorn is looking poor........I'm not overly bothered, ASDA is just down the road...........
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3
      Spinach bolted, ditto salads, some beans didnt germinate. This however isn't failure, just the joys of gardening
      WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


      • #4
        Had around 30 bean plants rot in their pots before planting out (including All my chinese red noodle beans) - they boiled then drowned, which apparently doesn't agree with them! Also looks like I will lose both curcubits (planted three of each and down to one of each, both small), no idea why (they always die). Mizuna bolted impressively, which was unexpected. Oh, and exactly half a pot of flat leaved parsley failed to germinate, which still looks very odd. Garlic is so far failing to plump up and is rusty as heck, so crossing fingers!

        Blooming odd weather though with the temperatures being so cold overnight.
        Last edited by Rabidbun; 13-06-2010, 11:43 PM.


        • #5
          No luck with beans-germinated but wilted.Sowed some more and it's not too warm just now.
          Cukes-going through 3rd batch just now so a bit late-let's wait and see.
          Squashes and pumpkins-2nd batch of seeds-out of overall 16 seeds I got just 1 plant.


          • #6
            Just discovered this afternoon, 2 big pots of carrots been completely mowed to the ground by slimeys - the new copper tape round the pots obviously wasn't sticky enough because it had just fallen off both pots

            All of last season's over-wintered veg, which was supposed to be ready to eat in spring of this year, has been an utter disaster. The PSB, kale, pointed cabbages and calabrese have gone straight from being not big enough to eat to huge flower spikes in the space of about 3 days. Bah!


            • #7
              Kohl rabi, radishes (!) and rocket all bolted cause of the strange weather. High portion of my peas rotted before they could germinate because of rain/cold. All my early sowings have been really slow to get going, have now been overtaken by later ones (stuff like spinach, chard, beetroot, carrots - not stuff really temp dependant). Alot of stuff seems behind to me, courgettes and tomatoes for example only just starting to flower Also had bad germination of pumpkin seeds - but they were oldish packets so cant complain.

              On the flipside, my sweetcorn is the best I ever grown! Its already about 4ft tall nice and solid looking. I sowed them in heated propagator 3" square pots thinking they'd take 10 days to come up, they came up in 1 day! lol. Stuck them out in the cold blowaway then under cloche cover in the raised bed and they have run away marvellously! Brassicas are looking really good too, which is something I've never had much luck growing from seed.
              Last edited by kingkano; 14-06-2010, 09:37 AM.


              • #8
                third batch of beans before anything started growing not rotting, courgettes sown twice too, no activity on beetroot front, carrots not grown at all.
                Last edited by taff; 14-06-2010, 02:34 AM.


                • #9
                  Everything has been really slow to get going this year, except the sweetcorn which is doing well. Beetroot were good till the sparrows found them.


                  • #10
                    Im glad this was posted as i am getting a little fed up with the growing department last year i had abundance of peas, beans, chillis, peppers etc this year well its a totally different matter strawberrys eaten by ants, peas and beans seem to of disapeared into thin air, chillis & peppers at a stand still at only 2 inches high, tomatoes looking a bit small, pak choi dosent seem to want to do anything, i shant go on just glad its not just me


                    • #11
                      Loads of my stuff is bolting, turnips, rocket, salad leaves, lettuce.

                      Beans, despite having two bottle clothes (stacked on top of each other) - still being grazed off by slugs I presume.. may resort to these organic slug pellets


                      • #12
                        My rocket and wild rocket bolted. My parsley on its second year has bolted too. Have already sown replacements for them.

                        And then there are my peppers......not gonna get over this if they dont survive My own silly mistake.)

                        I really hope we get a good summer. We really are due one.

                        Have had a few slug problems and then there are the magpies....silly creatures are down eating my lettuce and have poked my bay tree in a pot so the roots are now showing.

                        I have 2 scarecrows but am gonna put up old cd's in the hope of scaring them away.

                        I think we have all had our loses this year.

                        If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

                        Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

                        God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


                        • #13
                          my chard bolted almost immediately. Courgettes doing nothing. Just eaten the Durham Early cabbages as greens as I needed the space. PSB was pathetic, I had 2 small meals from it and then went straight to bolting. Had to plant 3 lots of salad leaves as thecats used the bed as a toilet and dug it all up. I am normally eating first early spuds by now, but there is nothing in the buckets yet.

                          I am still optimistic though!



                          • #14
                            Sweetcorn has been fab, but my French beans are very patchy: nearly all my white beans have rotted or just failed to germinate (again). Yin Yang too, which always struggle for me. Dark beans are fine (Black Croatian, Black Tiger etc)
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #15
                              Sweetcorn not been great for me either. Entire packet of seeds and only 12 plants looking good. Trying to coax another 4 to grow but they are looking pretty stunted.

                              Pak Choi, rocket, spinach all bolted...spring onions seem to be a total non starter this year. Mixed lettuce leaves bizarrely are doing nothing at all....still tiny after months!

                              PSB was blown over/squashed during the winter by the snow so nothing harvested off that at all!

                              On the upside, we may have squash coming out of our ears...they are definitely looking promising!!
                              If it ain't broke...fix it til it is!


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