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Where can I buy winter wheat seeds?


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  • Where can I buy winter wheat seeds?

    Has anybody come across a seller of cereal seeds, other than massive agri-businesses? I thought Suffolk Herbs used to sell wheat/barley/oats, but I've just looked now and they don't have any...

    I know you can get them as part of bird seed mixes, but then you don't know what they're good for - for bread flour you need a 'hard' variety.

    (ps. I know I can't grow a meaningful amount of wheat on an allotment, it's just for the seed-to-bread experience for my kids )

  • #2
    Here you are Sarz.

    Wiggly Wigglers ...the good life made easy
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3
      Thats very expensive wheat �1.50 for 100 grams, wheat is trading at $7.44 a bushel there are 36368.7 grams in a bushel, have you not got any feed merchants close to you


      • #4
        Yes, we have feed merchants in the vicinity, but... Won't that be seed grown for feed, rather than seed grown for flour production? If that's all I can get then it will have to do, but I'd like to get my hands on a proper bread-flour variety if I can.


        • #5
          Wiki says that bread wheat is triticum aestivum - does that help, not at all?

          5kg here for �12 inc. delivery. From the picture it looks just like the grains in my guinea pig food, do you want me to post some to you?
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 23-06-2010, 08:19 PM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Would they be the same as the seeds in my chicken 'corn' mix? There's a mix of maize and wheat type kernels in it and it certainly looks like wheat when it germinates but I've never left it long enough to seed.
            That's �6.35 for 20kg


            • #7
              Have you thought of growing SPELT


              • #8
                Here you go.

                20kilo WHOLE WHEAT use as wild bird / pigeon seed corn on eBay (end time 17-Jul-10 23:19:48 BST)

                Alternatively any seed merchants will sell it to you, but they may have a little laugh at you too


                Some interesting info here as well you may find interesting.
                Last edited by womble; 24-06-2010, 06:52 PM.
                "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                • #9
                  Did you read down through the comments on that BBC article Womble? I just spotted one by Andi Clevely!!

                  I might buy some from Brow Farm, the place who sell it for you to grind yourself. If it's good for grinding and baking, then it must be the right sort to grow?!
                  Last edited by SarzWix; 24-06-2010, 07:11 PM.


                  • #10
                    I did read it all, albeit at a speed. Didn't notice Andi's name though.

                    Just ask them, I'm sure they will be happy to help you.
                    "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                    Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                    • #11
                      Did you manage to find some winter wheat seed? I'm a volunteer for the Real Bread Campaign and I'm trying to put together a project for people to grow, mill and bake their own wheat. Interesting that you're trying to do the same thing - if you'd like to be involved please get in touch. How were you planning to mill it?

                      I understand buying organic seed is best as conventional varieties are too dependent on chemical fertilisers and pesticides. I'm still researching where to get this from so any pointers would be great.


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