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Has anyone grown Peruvian Purples? (potatoes)


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  • Has anyone grown Peruvian Purples? (potatoes)

    I was doing a bit of googling and came across these, has anyone tried growing them and if so could you tell me where you bought them from please?

    �six potato, seven potato, eight potato, more Nip it in the bud

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  • #2
    I guess nobody has tried growing these then.
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    • #3
      Nope, I haven't. I have a dark purple potato which I grew from True Potato Seed from Salad Blue. When you do this each seedling is unique. I must furtle around for a few and try cutting one in half like you did.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        The photo looks like Congo potato.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Flummery View Post
          I must furtle around for a few and try cutting one in half like you did.
          No, the photo isn't mine, it's one that I found on Google, I was just wondering if it was worth growing them.

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          • #6
            they are a good variety when comes to taste, but the colour is bit off putting. they are also more of fingerling then standard shaped variety.
            Last edited by lacysue2; 13-07-2010, 06:51 AM.


            • #7
              I grew Vitelotte potatoes last year. These purple potatoes are probably called Preuvian as originally potatoes came from South America and purple was one of the native colours.

              Vitelotte, Salad Blue and Congo are widely available. Whilst they are interesting to look at, they are a bit of a gimmick and it is much more satisfying to grow good quality normal looking potatoes. Yield is not great either.


              • #8
                I'm growing Highland Burgundy this year, the potatoes that are red all the way through even when cooked. Its my first time growing them and funnily enough I decided to try growing them after reading that very blog post from Nip It In The Bud.

                I got mine from Alan Romans They do quite a few blue, black, purple and red potato varieties in their mini tuber range and their conservation ranges. Very quick delivery as well.

                If I remember correctly Nip It In The bud got her potatoes from her local potato day, there are events all over the UK listed here UK Potato Days


                • #9
                  Yes, I have!

                  I know this thread is an old one, but yes I have grown the Purple Peruvian potatoes. I bought a few kilograms a couple of years ago from our local Budgens, in Wendover - Bucks. They are easy to go and with decent soil and enough water grow well. My first harvest went well and I manged to save back enough to get another harvest off them this year.
                  Though this years crop suffered from my beds being invaded bya nearby silver birch and the hose pipe ban. We only had a small crop this year and I'll need to find new stock if I want to plant again, if I can find anymore. Here's a shot of the mash served last night, the last of the crop.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I grew some Purple Majesty this year from saved shop-bought eaters. Yield was so-so and I probably won't bother again. They are a spectacular novelty though, even if this purple-topped cottage pie is not for the faint hearted. Was an even more vivid colour before I put it under the grill!

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I've got peruvian blacks.....but they're chillis!
                      (and I didnt get any fruit either!!)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Barking Postlethwaite View Post
                        I grew some Purple Majesty this year from saved shop-bought eaters. Yield was so-so and I probably won't bother again. They are a spectacular novelty though, even if this purple-topped cottage pie is not for the faint hearted. Was an even more vivid colour before I put it under the grill!
                        Novelty they maybe but I would have to think before tucking into them..weird colour alright
                        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                        ...utterly nutterly


                        • #13
                          I have grown them and they taste good; but the colour puts many people off, They do make splendid purple dye if your into that type of usage.
                          Last edited by thegreatcob; 22-09-2012, 02:36 PM.


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