Every article i've read on hand-pollinating courgettes says that it should be done at first light, with 9 to 10am being the latest time one should do it.
I have several male and female flowers i've identified as being ripe for opening tomorrow, but i won't be home to do the deed till the afternoon.
I've observed that courgette flowers don't begin to close till the early evening.
Does it really minimise the chances of success if pollination occurs later in the day? There's a dearth of pollinating insects around here, so i'd like to do everything possible to help the process along.
Every article i've read on hand-pollinating courgettes says that it should be done at first light, with 9 to 10am being the latest time one should do it.
I have several male and female flowers i've identified as being ripe for opening tomorrow, but i won't be home to do the deed till the afternoon.
I've observed that courgette flowers don't begin to close till the early evening.
Does it really minimise the chances of success if pollination occurs later in the day? There's a dearth of pollinating insects around here, so i'd like to do everything possible to help the process along.