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Whats happening to my veg


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  • Whats happening to my veg

    Hi Guys
    Im really desperate hear, because it seems most of my veg is coming down with a disease or fungus. Im goin to start of with my squashes and pumpkins they are starting to get brown blotches on the leaves and new leaves are starting to curl over, i do not know what this is and i sure hope its not leaf curl. I have a melon at the back but that seems to be fine

    My sweetcorn which was brilliant a couple days ago is now going yellow and starting and the leaves look really bad.

    My runner beans have gotten some sort of rust which makes the bottom leaves die, i do not know what this is but it looks brown and powdery.

    White powder is turning up on my cucumbers and toms and it is not mildew, also on my cucumbers are brown blotches aswell.

    Finally my swet peppers, my two little plants that have not been no trouble are starting to get brown freckles and the fruit are starting to go a darker green then the rest.

    Most of these things i noticed after the heavy rain.
    So please help, HELP IS NEEDED NOW!"!
    Last edited by greasyfire; 13-07-2010, 10:54 PM.
    Dont judge a plant by it's pot.

  • #2
    Loads of my plants are looking really dodgy too. I'm putting it down to lack of water - when plants can't take up moisture, they also can't take up nutrients so they suffer doubly and it weakens their resistance to disease.


    • #3
      Sweetcorn: there is another thread somewhere with similar discussion.

      The "rust" spots could be either bacterial or fungal - it is hard to be precise without photos and/or a closer examination. Both are prevalent after rain and periods of dry weather followed by heavy rain can cause damage to already weakened leaves for the bacteria/fungus to enter.

      It is probably nothing too serious. If it was bacterial I'd remove infected leaves and spray with a 50:50 milk:water spray. If it is fungal then a copper based fungicide could be used unless you are organic in which case the milk spray may help. It could also help with the white powder (poss. botrytis).

      If the attack is only mild then I'd just leave it.

      All my plants have something similar and I'm not doing anything except remove a few leaves.

      Good luck!
      The proof of the growing is in the eating.
      Leave Rotten Fruit.
      Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
      Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
      Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


      • #4
        I 2ill be trying to upload pics soon, and i you dont mind me askin what is milk spray
        Dont judge a plant by it's pot.


        • #5
          Originally posted by teakdesk View Post

          It is probably nothing too serious. If it was bacterial I'd remove infected leaves and spray with a 50:50 milk:water spray. If it is fungal then a copper based fungicide could be used unless you are organic in which case the milk spray may help. It could also help with the white powder (poss. botrytis).
          Originally posted by greasyfire View Post
          I 2ill be trying to upload pics soon, and i you dont mind me askin what is milk spray
          A 50:50 milk:water spray as above...


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