When i have nothing to do i pull off the yellow flowers on the tomato plants so that the toms have more sunlight. 
My theory is that the longer the flower stays on the plant it is protecting the baby tom from sunlight and therefore slowing the fruit growth down. The flowers come off easily but if left they can stay attached for a week or more until it drops on its own. I find it very hard to stop once i have started, its almost therapeutic lol
Anyone else do this or something equally daft? I dont tell my friends by the way

My theory is that the longer the flower stays on the plant it is protecting the baby tom from sunlight and therefore slowing the fruit growth down. The flowers come off easily but if left they can stay attached for a week or more until it drops on its own. I find it very hard to stop once i have started, its almost therapeutic lol
Anyone else do this or something equally daft? I dont tell my friends by the way
