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Shallots drying


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  • Shallots drying

    I lifted my shallots yesterday....about a couple of hundred of them.

    I have them in wire baskets drying.
    BUt we had thunder and lightning and of course rain yesterday evening and more rain this morning.

    I brought them into the kitchen (can hardly walk around the kitchen at the minute.) and will will put them out when the sun comes out again.

    so, my question is....will they be ok to just dry in the kitchen if the sun doesnt come out for a while?

    Do i have to wait til they dry before i string them up or plait them?

    Thanks in advance
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    God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

  • #2
    Better if they are completely dry before you string or plait them. I find they dry better if spaced out in a single layer (I don't suppose this will be possible with the amount you have). I use the "innards" of a small plastic covered greenhouse (the cover(s) died some time ago) but the wire trays are perfect for this sort of job. They won't come to any harm in the kitchen as long as it doesn't get too steamy.


    • #3
      I have taken up a few of mine and have put then in an area that is under cover till they dry out. I have a spare bit next to my greenhouse so its sunny and dry, perfect. I havnt grown them before so i dont really know what i am doing lol. I pulled the loose ones and left the rest.

      What about in a shed near the window?

      We have had so much sun here that i could sell you some


      • #4
        Originally posted by rustylady View Post
        Better if they are completely dry before you string or plait them. I find they dry better if spaced out in a single layer (I don't suppose this will be possible with the amount you have). I use the "innards" of a small plastic covered greenhouse (the cover(s) died some time ago) but the wire trays are perfect for this sort of job. They won't come to any harm in the kitchen as long as it doesn't get too steamy.
        I have used my wire shelf sections with canes for my melons and cucs but i could do with them for all my oniony stuff.

        Do the shallots have to dry in a horizontal position or can i hang them to dry?


        • #5
          Originally posted by rustylady View Post
          Better if they are completely dry before you string or plait them. I find they dry better if spaced out in a single layer (I don't suppose this will be possible with the amount you have). I use the "innards" of a small plastic covered greenhouse (the cover(s) died some time ago) but the wire trays are perfect for this sort of job. They won't come to any harm in the kitchen as long as it doesn't get too steamy.

          Thanks Rustylady.

          I can lay them out singly as i have more than enough room and plenty of the wire baskets........which i picked up free from a bit of wasteland they are like big baker basket idea what they were before but i have been using them for the garden.

          I'll wait til they dry out completely before i plait them.

          Thanks again

          PS....I really hope the sun comes out today so i can put them outside.
          Last edited by Veggiemama; 22-07-2010, 10:47 AM.
          If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

          Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

          God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bountyhunter View Post
            I have taken up a few of mine and have put then in an area that is under cover till they dry out. I have a spare bit next to my greenhouse so its sunny and dry, perfect. I havnt grown them before so i dont really know what i am doing lol. I pulled the loose ones and left the rest.

            What about in a shed near the window?

            We have had so much sun here that i could sell you some

            I have no room in the shed to dry fact, i have no where outside that is sheltered from the rain to do it.

            and yes....see if you can send some sunshine my way, i'll pay you in virtual money

            If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

            Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

            God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


            • #7
              Just counted the shallots as Oh wanted to know how many we have.................................

              374!!!!! I think i planted about 40 - 50 sets...cant quite remember

              I am well pleased with that.

              Now about...i'd say 50 of them are teeny...but i will roast these.

              Most of the others are the size of small onions.

              I am very pleased with this harvest

              If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

              Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

              God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


              • #8
                Mine are spread out in blowaway , that is covered but unzipped. Garlic dried fine in there . All the smaller shallots ( the ones that fit through the squares on the shelves )have been peeled and are in brine ready to be pickled.
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • #9
                  Veggiemama, cant you put string across the top of the inside of the shed and peg them to it? I dried onions like this before. You bash your head on them but it works lol.

                  I think most of my shallots each split into 8-10 and they are all bigger than golf balls. Should i pull them all up now as most are pretty loose?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bountyhunter View Post
                    Veggiemama, cant you put string across the top of the inside of the shed and peg them to it? I dried onions like this before. You bash your head on them but it works lol.

                    I think most of my shallots each split into 8-10 and they are all bigger than golf balls. Should i pull them all up now as most are pretty loose?

                    Our shed is very small and with the lawnmower and all the garden tools in there, there isnt much room left. We have a few things hanging from the roof too.

                    My kitchen/dining are is huge though. Also when we moved here last year, the lady before us had some sorta decorative bracket thing on the ceiling that divided the kitchen and dining area (well just divided it on the ceiling.)

                    When i dried the onions and shallots last year, i hung them on this as well as some herbs. They lasted well and we were still using some in Feb this year. The kitchen is well aired and cool.(absolutely freezing in winter though)

                    I will do the same this year once they dry out (i have much much more than last year though and may have to keep some in hessian sacks....i dont want the weight of my produce to pull the thing down.

                    I also have a breakfast bar in the middle of the kitchen with wire shelves on it, so i am gonna clear the things off that and put them on it. I may even peg some to hang down where the chairs should go under :-)

                    We do have to get a new shed as we have a lot of outdoor things (for the children too) but it wont be yet.

                    Dont feel confident to answer your question about lifting yours. (dont think i have answered a gardening question yet :-) )
                    I lifted mine because they had all died down, were yellow/brown (leaves) and were spread over the ground. When i was checking them i noticed a few slugs had helped themselves, so i decided to lift them. If they are still green and growing, i would be inclined to leave them there until they start dying back (if you see what i mean) If they are dying back, then lift them.

                    Hope that helps a little

                    If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

                    Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

                    God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


                    • #11
                      I meant to say, it really doesnt bother me them being in the kitchen.

                      I smiled every time i saw them last year through the winter.
                      I felt proud of myself for growing them all :-)

                      I'll be the same this year too

                      If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

                      Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

                      God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


                      • #12
                        Wow, it sounds like you are in an onion jungle lol. Well done on your grow.

                        I bet everyone that visits you goes away with onions lol

                        I am going to plant shallots instead of onions next spring as you get more per square foot. I have mine in my blog below my post. They have laid down now but are quite green still.

                        I planted mine in the spring and didnt expect them to be ready this quick so i am happy that i have a few to use while i am waiting for the rest. My red onions are still upright and very green and the normal onions are falling over now and getting weak necks so not long for those.

                        I have a car port with loads growing so i can hang stuff in there to dry. We had some rain today for the first time in ages, YAY, less to water later on. So far, this summer has been amazing, so many sunny days its like being on holiday.


                        • #13
                          You are so lucky to have had such good weather.

                          Although it hasnt rained every day, it hasnt been sunny either,

                          Up until the children stopped school for the summer, the weather was great, once they rained

                          I planted mine in the spring too and was surprised that they were ready so early...|My onions are still going strong and dont look to be dying down any time soon....some of those are giant!!

                          I even closed the vent things in my polytunnel yesterday evening as it was getting cold. It hasnt really brightened up today either..

                          Aww well, fingers crossed the good weather will come my way soon.
                          The good thing about the rain is that i dont have to water as often...except all my flowers in pots as the rain just runs off them


                          PS...had a look at your blog, your stuff is growing cucumbers and melons have been going wild too, although i have been getting cucumbers, no melons have set yet, so i am gonna go out in the morning(as i read thats the time to do it) and pollinate them myself.

                          What are those lovely pink flowers in the top picture you have growing up the fence?
                          If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

                          Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

                          God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


                          • #14
                            To be honest the heat was getting too much so when we see a gray cloud its very welcome. Its only this summer that's been like this. Even in April it was very hot!

                            Our lot break up tomorrow from school so i expect the nice weather to go lol, its always the was, sods law.

                            When you said it was getting cold its hard to imagine. I can sit outside till at least 9pm and its still warm. I dont ever remember it being like this before. I dont think i have shut my greenhouse door or window since the spring. I have a bit of string with a brick attached to the window so it doesn't get ripped off by the wind but i walk into the damn thing nearly every day. My head must be a pulp now.

                            You must mean the Clematis thats growing up the sage fence. it cost me �1.99 from Wilkinsons last year. Its a Hagley Hybrid, the purpley one next to it it a Julia Correvon. The info i have says its best grown out of full is almost South facing and seems to love the sun. They going to be huge next year. Its beautiful but almost finished flowering now


                            • #15
                              Yes, i think its beautiful.................might have to get some for ME

                              If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

                              Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

                              God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


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