Today's Seed Guardian newsletter from Garden Organic's Heritage Seed Library points out that the purple podded pea they have been offering for some years as Lancashire Lad is not! It appears that the true Lancashire Lad is green podded. The purple one appeared when they asked for rare varieties in the 1990s and they have since discovered that it's not actually LL they've been sending out. Apologies from me (although it's not actually my fault!) if you've had seed from me - it's now Unknown Purple Podded Pea! They still have some seed savers with the real LL - I suspect the two lots have been mixed in the past. They are now withdrawing it to try and get back to the old variety.
The upshot is that my new wonder mangetout is now a mongrel! Ne'mind eh. It's still a great pea and in a few generations I hope to have it stabilised. Whatever it is!
The upshot is that my new wonder mangetout is now a mongrel! Ne'mind eh. It's still a great pea and in a few generations I hope to have it stabilised. Whatever it is!
