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White fly problems


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  • White fly problems

    I am being inundated with whiteflies on my sprouts and brocolli plants. Can anyone give me any advice as to the best treatment to eradicate the problem. It has never been a problem before this year.
    Many thanks

  • #2
    We plant french marigolds in with tomatoes, cucumbers, etc that are suceptible in the greenhouse. It's obviously too late now for this year, but might be worth considering for the future outdoors.

    Please don't laugh at me too much, but if you have a hand-held vacuum cleaner that you can use (ie battery operated rather than mains electric if you don't have an electricity supply near your greens), disturb the whitefly and vacuum them up. You wont get rid of them completely, but as they fly up you should get rid of quite a lot each time you do it, so that its not such a big problem.



    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. I have marigolds in the greenhouse and have not seen any white fly in there so need to put them in the veg plot next year and see what happens. Looks like I will be asking for a hand held vacuum cleaner from Father Christmas this year!

      Thanks again


      • #4
        My understanding is that they don't do too much damage to the thick leaves of brassicas apart from perhaps kale. If they've only just become a problem I'd have thought you'd survive the season unless you're completely overrun.

        Cabbage Whitefly - WikiGardener
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        WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


        • #5
          I'm not sure you can eradicate the problem. But spray soapy water on the leaves and cover with fleece - that should help.


          • #6
            Have a read of this thread, PB - some ideas here!
            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


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