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Hundreds & thousand tomatos


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  • Hundreds & thousand tomatos

    I'm new to growing anything, and with 2 toddlers thought we'd have a go. Very pleased with our cuecumbers and carrots so far.
    Unsure what's happened to our hundreds and thousand tomatos!!! They are shaped more like plum tomatoes and there are lots but def not hundred of them......
    Have I done something wrong?
    They are in baskets, 2 in a trough and I also have gardners delight in a very big pot but that has blight
    Last edited by Smiledmb; 15-08-2010, 03:18 PM.

  • #2
    Just looked on t'internet as I haven't grown this variety myself. According to this site tomato seeds uk they are supposed to be cherry tomatoes (i.e. round). Where did you get your seed? I had problems a couple of years ago with Gardener's Delight which are also supposed to be a small cherry tomato. The ones I grew were huge!


    • #3
      Welcome to the Vine Smiledmb.

      I have 2 hanging baskets with 100s & 1000s in them and they are definitely round small cherry type toms. They don't seem as prolific as last year, but that's probably down to the weather. Like Rustylady said, where did you get your seeds?
      There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


      • #4
        I bought them from b&q ( I think) and still have the packet they were in hence knowing the name


        • #5
          But is there a name of the seed supplier on the packet? (e.g. Suttons, or Thompson & Morgan). B & Q just sell the seeds, they don't produce and package them.


          • #6
            im growing 100's and 1000's for the 2nd year now from saved seed originally from suttons. mine are grown in pots. the toms are probably the size of 1p coins. there certainly arnt 100's of them but i still think there's a decent amount of them. the first of mine are just starting to turn red now.
   My brand spanking new plot


            • #7
              They are Suttons seeds.....


              • #8
                Mine were Suttons, in Suttons packaging, sounds like you may have got a duff lot if they're looking like small plums.
                There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                • #9
                  Funny, I planted 6 sweet millions, and two of them seem to be producing yellow pear shaped toms, the other 4 are ok. I thought I must have got my seeds mixed up, as I planted 12 different types at the begining of the year (far too many, I will know next year) but looking back at the packets, I didnt buy anything pear shaped


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Smiledmb View Post
                    They are Suttons seeds.....
                    If you are happy with them, then fine. But it may be worth contacting Suttons and explaining what you've got. You may even get a few free packets of seeds. Mix-ups can and do happen.


                    • #11
                      Welcome to the Vine, smiledmb. Intriguing to find toms that you weren't expecting, and it's too late to remedy that now, but a word to Sutton's should ensure that you get what you paid for next year.
                      100s and 1000s have certainly lived up to their name for me; small cherry toms, sweet as I've ever tasted. I sowed early and grew them in the conservatory and they have produced by the bushel starting at the end of May and we're on the last pickings now. Next year I shall sow a couple in Feb and another couple a month later so that we get a longer season.
                      I have roasted and frozen boxes of them ready for the winter. Wouldn't be without them again!


                      • #12
                        Ok, I've just put the phone down from suttons.... She knew exactly what I was talking about!!! They had a contaminated batch of seeds they discovered it in their own tests but some seeds had already gone out to suppliers, obviously not recalled!
                        Result = free packet of proper 100's 1000's for next year and the knowledge that I haven't done anything wrong. Except that I'm growing them as hanging plants not pinching etc and they are meant to be upright and pinched!!!

                        Thanks to everyone for all your help and advice, I now have a story for the 'first time I grew tomatos!'


                        • #13
                          P.s. How do you freeze them? Whole or? Hadn't thought of thy but like the idea
                          I'll have to work out how to start them earlier as we don't have a greenhouse (yet!) I can aee one appearing in the future as we have space for a small one but not the money at the moment.
                          Wonde if I could grow them above a radiator? Rhys how these started life in April....


                          • #14
                            If you want to try a similar variety next year, I've had great success with an Italian type - Pomodoro Ciligia. They are tiny tomatoes, but produce in their hundreds, reliably, I've found. The trusses are great for grilling whole.

                            I haven't been able to buy the same type this year, so will be attempting seed-saving. Happy to pass a few on if I'm manage it, for next year.
                            I don't roll on Shabbos


                            • #15
                              Thanks Rhona that would be great my email address if you'd like it is [email protected]


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