I've a number of Morrisons buckets going with recently sowed stuff for overwintering - but something large appears to be attacking them!
One bucket had rocket seeds just coming up nicely - now they are all flattened, and it looks like a double handful of soil has been removed from the side of the bucket. It was on hardstanding, inside another bucket!
Another bucket has the same amount of soil gone, from one side; another just looks a bit disturbed but soil gone a bit...
I can't think cats would disturb them given they still have several raised beds to use as litter trays
And - it honestly does appear as if some of the compost has gone, not just been re-arranged!
Any ideas? They are outside the greenhouse, fairly sheltered position, on a plastic gravel tray (with water in) on a concrete base...
One bucket had rocket seeds just coming up nicely - now they are all flattened, and it looks like a double handful of soil has been removed from the side of the bucket. It was on hardstanding, inside another bucket!
Another bucket has the same amount of soil gone, from one side; another just looks a bit disturbed but soil gone a bit...
I can't think cats would disturb them given they still have several raised beds to use as litter trays
And - it honestly does appear as if some of the compost has gone, not just been re-arranged!
Any ideas? They are outside the greenhouse, fairly sheltered position, on a plastic gravel tray (with water in) on a concrete base...