In late summer I joined the French equivalent of HDRA (sort of, bit more hippyfied in France) Kokopelli and as part of my subscription I was send 12 packets of seeds. Just as an experiment I set 4 different tomato types, all described as lates, on the offchance I would get a crop later this year, well along into mid/late November when we get the first frosts. And we also get lots of bright and fairly warm weather until the end of October.
Set 3 of each of the plants out in large half barrels (defunct water butts cut across horizontally) about 3 weeks ago, watered every day and this morning two of the pots have plants setting fruit.
Going to be intetresting to see whether I get any meaningful crop from them but to be honest, I'm more interested in seed retrieval this year than eating a lot of them.
Set 3 of each of the plants out in large half barrels (defunct water butts cut across horizontally) about 3 weeks ago, watered every day and this morning two of the pots have plants setting fruit.
Going to be intetresting to see whether I get any meaningful crop from them but to be honest, I'm more interested in seed retrieval this year than eating a lot of them.