Hi guys,
Just a quick question.
Our first pumpkin (actually dd2s) is huge, beautifully orange and, to all intents and purposes, ready for harvest. But I'm in a quandry.
Ideally, I'd like to leave it on the plant up until Halloween BUT I'm worried that to leave it on the plant may result in it starting to rot as it is ready so far in advance of the actual night (especially as it's stopped swelling but the rain keeps falling - though not constantly).
We've grown pumpkins for Halloween for the last 3 years and have never had one this large and this ready so soon before, so this particular issue has never raised it's ugly head.
So what would you do? Leave it on the plant until needed OR remove it and store it in readiness?
I'm tempted to leave it for another week but I know that dd2 (she's very nearly 4) would be heartbroken if her pumpkin rotted, even though between them, both dds have 6 more pumpkins growing on. Dd1 has had the first and biggest pumpking for each of the last 2 years and dd2 loves the fact that it is one of her pumpkins that produced the first and such a large fruit
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Just a quick question.
Our first pumpkin (actually dd2s) is huge, beautifully orange and, to all intents and purposes, ready for harvest. But I'm in a quandry.
Ideally, I'd like to leave it on the plant up until Halloween BUT I'm worried that to leave it on the plant may result in it starting to rot as it is ready so far in advance of the actual night (especially as it's stopped swelling but the rain keeps falling - though not constantly).
We've grown pumpkins for Halloween for the last 3 years and have never had one this large and this ready so soon before, so this particular issue has never raised it's ugly head.
So what would you do? Leave it on the plant until needed OR remove it and store it in readiness?
I'm tempted to leave it for another week but I know that dd2 (she's very nearly 4) would be heartbroken if her pumpkin rotted, even though between them, both dds have 6 more pumpkins growing on. Dd1 has had the first and biggest pumpking for each of the last 2 years and dd2 loves the fact that it is one of her pumpkins that produced the first and such a large fruit

Thanks in advance for your replies.