Veg-wise, I have three beds on the go which I rotate each year. I put all my wintering stuff (leeks, perp spinach, spring greens, parsnips, chard, kale, brussels, PSB, onions, garlic, radiccio, mizuna) in one bed and then manure and dig the other two so that they recover and get back their nutrients.
Come the summer I've then got one non-manured bed for the stuff that doesn't like manure much, like carrots.
This works for me, and I'm now self sufficient in veg all year round.
It is frustrating to see plots left to do nothing over the winter, but its just as important to replenish the soil in my opinion.
Come the summer I've then got one non-manured bed for the stuff that doesn't like manure much, like carrots.
This works for me, and I'm now self sufficient in veg all year round.
It is frustrating to see plots left to do nothing over the winter, but its just as important to replenish the soil in my opinion.