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  • Salsify

    Well, I won�t be growing salsify again. I lifted some today and was very disappointed at both the size of the crop and the taste. Thin, straggly roots but we got enough to add to our evening meal and the opinion was that it tasted very vaguely parsnipy so why do they call it the vegetable oyster?

    For the length of time it was in the ground I could have got two crops of something we all like to eat. Still, nothing ventured......

  • #2
    I have been planning to grow salsify next year. I have never even tasted it before but I keep reading about how good it is. This is an example: Salsify recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall | Life and style | The Guardian
    As I understand it, thin straggly roots is all you get. Maybe it has to be cooked in just the right way to get something more from it. I was also interested in the 'chards' you can get from it in the spring. I think I'll still give it a go.

    Unusual Vegetables: Salsify the Vegetable Oyster


    • #3
      I think it's probably one of those things that's OK to try if you have the space but, to be honest, I could have got far more carrots or parsnips in the same space and know that we'll all enjoy eating them.

      Now there's just the celeriac to lift and that's my experimentation over for this year


      • #4
        I did scorzonera once: I drew the same conclusion as you. Waste of time and space! But at least you tried something new
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 07-11-2010, 05:12 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          my second year growing it only because i had some seeds left from previous year...i think its very ordinary but at least it grows on my patch whereas brassicas dont ....i grew it because we had been eating the ones in jars which are common in french supermarkets and liked them. Must be the way you cook 'em.


          • #6
            ive grown both salsify and scorenza this year, ive not pulled them yet so i dont know what they'll be like. watching HFW on river cottage made me interested in trying these. even if i am dissappointed, atleast it's something new ive tried.
   My brand spanking new plot


            • #7
              Have grown both, but not for a few years now. Seem to remember that one of them is grown on for a second year and then harvested. The other one has to be harvested in first year as it goes to seed in second year can't remember which is which.



              • #8
                I tried both salsify and scorenza this year but the slugs (I think) did for them


                • #9
                  I've bought salsify with my organic box last winter every time I could get my hands on it - I absolutely love it. It tastes divine!

                  Won't be able to grow it as I only have a container garden/patio - but will try should I ever get my own proper garden.
                  Sinmara on Deviant Art


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