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  • brrrrr

    Minus ten here last night.

    I was hoping the winter veg would last well into winter but if this keeps up all I'll be left with is leeks. The swedes, turnips, cabbage, chard, celeriac are all looking dejected and I can't find the beetroot I was going to lift last week.

    Ah well.......

  • #2
    Depending on the variety of cabbage, it may well be ok if it was sold to you as a winter variety. The swedes should certainly be ok. They just get sweeter after frost. Chard will be toast, ermmh it will have had it and I suspect your beetroot may also be done for. Remember though that snow insulates so it might be ok. Don't know about celeriac, never grown it.


    • #3
      Aberdeen, unfortunately some of the cabbage is a summer variety that I sowed in July/August because I had some seed left. They'd made some nice grapefruit-size heads which I was looking forward to. I do have a few 'January King' but not enough to see me through. Last winter the swedes ended up as smelly mush


      • #4
        Fancied a bit of parsnip mash to go with my pork and cider casserole. Unfortunately did not have a jack hammer about my person so was unable to dig any of them up!
        When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


        • #5
          solway cropper, your celeriac should be fine. It'll ride out this cold weather well enough. If theyre big enough start eating them now (yum)
          "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


          • #6
            Had brought some veg into the shed to cover a cold spell but hadn't planned for such a prolonged period. Still they have only forecast another 10 days of sub zero temps. Sigh!!!


            • #7
              All my stuff is under about 3 foot of snow so dont think I will be seeing it for some time nevr mind tasting it.


              • #8
                I picked some chard today. The coloured varieties have fared worst but are still alive, the big 'silver' one (Lucullus) is fine.
                I got a bag of leaves for dinner
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 06-12-2010, 06:59 AM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  I popped down to the plot this afternoon for the first time since the snow came. Chard looks fine, its the perpetual spinach which is drooping. Strange, 'cos that stuff is normally hard as nails.
                  Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


                  • #10
                    Our perp spinach was drooping before the snow, don't remember that last year (?). The chard was fine, bit soggy and manky but it came back to life and kept going all winter. Haven't been down yet, might pop down tomorrow and see if I can chisel a few leeks and 'snips out of the ground.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gojiberry View Post
                      Had brought some veg into the shed to cover a cold spell but hadn't planned for such a prolonged period. Still they have only forecast another 10 days of sub zero temps. Sigh!!!
                      10 more days? Dammit. I was hoping to loosen the soil around my parsnips - but looks like I may have to try and defrost the soil with some hot water and lift them, argh!


                      • #12
                        I was going to do that. Turned out that under the knee high snow the ground was lovely and soft. Managed to dig up a few bedraggled leeks and some hideously mishapen 'snips that will be a bugger to prep


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