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What would you like to grow in 2011?


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  • #16
    More hard and soft fruit, some of which will be from cuttings taken from existing soft fruit.
    More perennial flowers for cut flowers.
    Less chickens as I have far too many for the ammount of eggs I require. Shall have to rely on natural wastage to get rid though
    More sprouts & kale
    More french beans
    Less tatties.
    Onions and carrots are about right

    Better go now as I'm starting to waffle!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #17
      Originally posted by solway cropper View Post
      not so many cucumbers. You really can get sick of eating cucumbers
      My single cucumber plant in the polytunnel was producing one about every other day which was far too much but I can't grow half of it

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #18
        I had 1 cucumber plant in the bucket,got about 5 big cukes of it=enough for me as OH hates cukes.
        Gherkins-had 7 plants in the greenhouse,hoped to be loaded with fruit and make some cukes in brine.I wasn't able to make even 1 jar as there wasn't enough fruit at once.Grrrrrrr!


        • #19
          Starting with what i am not going to grow-aubergines and not as many maincrop spuds. New for next year will be all the staples but try to keep the house in cabbage and calabrese through as much of the year as poss. some more overwintering crops in the tunnel like cauli and maybe some purple sprouting in various varieties. Melons have always been a nearly crop for me so i will be giving various vars a go in varios spots on the plot in and out. Peppers and chillis outdoors. Also going to restrict my outdoor toms (san maz) to 2 or 3 trusses to keep them them low so they can be covered easier. Outdoor cukes cos of constant probs with rsm indoors. Looks i am going to be busy.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Davyburns View Post
            Same as this year, but differnt varieties, (toms, cues, Chillis ect) and hopefully a vine (black Hamburg) kindly donated by a Forum member.
            try the others too !


            • #21
              Originally posted by northepaul View Post
              a garden, I only have two dedicated veg areas - and one of those is in danger of disappearing into next door's garden (the retaining wall has partially collapsed but the best quote I have had to get it re-done is £850 + vat )
              How about concrete sleepers for the retaining wall ?


              • #22
                Various beans, peas, leeks, brocolli, cauliflowers, onions, carrots all colours, beetroot, lots of squashes, oca, jerusulem artichokes, glove arti,different toms, chillis, herbs, 100 odd apple trees, pears, plums, peach, necterine, various grapes, pears, plums, medlar, , mulberry, hazel/cob nuts, heritage potatoes, samphire. Olives & the citrus

                Wants are Maori potatoes boo hoo !


                • #23
                  I'm growing peas (adding climbing ones next year as the harvest from my bush pea was disappointing), beans (bush and pole), heritage toms of all colours (love my toms!), spinach, rainbow chard (my favourite leaf veg and good for salads too), tom thumb lettuce, crystal apple cucumbers, a couple of F1 courgettes I haven't tried before (a green one and a yellow one), a brown sweet pepper "Ingrid", some calabrese and I'm also going to have a go at growing artichokes from seed (spotted a packet for 50p at the garden centre so thought I'd have a punt). Also I got some different alpine strawberries (red, white and a yellow one) to grow as ground cover mainly, but also for picking.

                  Definitely not bothering with radish as I hate 'em! Easy, but pointless for me.


                  • #24
                    This will be my second year too, and I'm looking to grow pretty much the same as last year but with the addition of broad beans, peas, runner beans, sweetcorn and sprouts. Also hoping to grow a few more different types of chillis (last year it was cayenne and jalapeno).

                    But my my main aim is to start getting into succesional sowing so I don't end up with a glut!
                    What would Delia do?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Alison View Post
                      Increase my amount of stapes every year, will be starting chillies and aubergines off early in Jan as well as onions.
                      Ohh I had never thought of starting aubergines off in Jan....have you done it before and was it successful?
                      I only ask because I had some lovely plants with pretty flowers, but no fruit..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mell View Post
                        Various beans, peas, leeks, brocolli, cauliflowers, onions, carrots all colours, beetroot, lots of squashes, oca, jerusulem artichokes, glove arti,different toms, chillis, herbs, 100 odd apple trees, pears, plums, peach, necterine, various grapes, pears, plums, medlar, , mulberry, hazel/cob nuts, heritage potatoes, samphire. Olives & the citrus

                        Wants are Maori potatoes boo hoo !
                        I have a medlar coming in January-ish. I love the fruit, but have found it incredibly hard to source, hence the tree....
                        Is yours an estabished tree? What type? If so, is there any tips or hints you can offer me as a new grower?


                        • #27
                          It is the Nottingham one. I only grafted it last year onto a mature pear, so I hope for fruit soon !

                          What have you got ?


                          • #28
                            I'd like to grow fat

                            Oh - I already am. Santa is sorted.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by northepaul View Post
                              Ohh I had never thought of starting aubergines off in Jan....have you done it before and was it successful?
                              I only ask because I had some lovely plants with pretty flowers, but no fruit..
                              I started my Ophelia Aubergines off on Feb 2nd they'd germinated by the 10th but I still only had pretty purple flowers.
                              Thought I'd covered all my options 3 were outside in a bed, 2 on the patio in pots and 2 in the greenhouse border, still not sure what I'd done wrong.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by northepaul View Post
                                Ohh I had never thought of starting aubergines off in Jan....have you done it before and was it successful?
                                I only ask because I had some lovely plants with pretty flowers, but no fruit..
                                Have always struggled with aubergines in the past, no chance round here outside and only had one year where they did well in the greenhouse although the plants always looked good. Two years ago sowed earlier and they did better, last year sowed early again and got a reasonable crop off them in pots in the conservatory and then this year had them in the border soil in the polytunnel and they were fab, several off each plant and it would have been more if I hadn't planted too close together - didn't realise how big they would get in the ground, much better than the ones I've had in pots in the past. Agree the flowers are pretty but bit frustrating if they don't become fruits

                                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


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