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The Early Tomato Sowing Thread


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  • The Early Tomato Sowing Thread

    This is the early sowing and growing thread for all things Tomato

    As traditional on the Vine, we are only sowing a few seeds to get us going, as most people don't have the space for 80 plants all being grown indoors through the spring.

    So, get yourself a few seeds, a couple of pots, and sow some lovely tomatoes.

    Report here what you are growing, how you are getting them to germinate, and any other tricks to maximise your crops. Also, photos are not only cool but welcomed and possibly drooled over.

    First moon tomato day of 2011 is the 3rd of Jan.

    If you want to sow yours on the correct Moon day for fruiting crops, a guide is here

    *naysayers saying they will wait to sow is great, but start your own thread please - this is for those who want to get a few plants started off early. Thank you.

  • #2
    Ah, couldn't wait.. these were sown together with the chillis and all tumbled up, so no idea anymore what is what...

    But there are 2 Gardener's Delight, 2 Tigerella, 2 Nicoletta, 2 Roma.

    Under the desklamp enjoying a little light. updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


    • #3
      sown today in a windowsill propagator, about 10 Golden Sunrise and 10 Feline. Old seed from last year so no problems if it's too early. Currently on radiator to get a warm start, move to the windowsill tonight.


      • #4
        My Piglet Willie's French Black popped up today - sown on Boxing day with the chilis.


        • #5
          Just sown 2 100's and 1000's, 2 GI and 2 Aunt Madge's tomato seeds. Plus 1 Dwarf Chandler and 1 PW.


          • #6
            Planted 6 small pots, 2 seeds per pot today in a mixture of recycled sieved John Innes No 2 and MPC, 50 - 50 mix. Placed in a propogator on my window sill. The variety is called The Amateur, sellected for their reliable outdoor cropping, no need to remove side shoots or train, they grow as a bush.

            Has anyone grown them before, if so what did you think of them?


            • #7
              Couldn't resist joining in... have just sown one each of sub arctic plenty, roma, principe borghese, san marzano lungo, rio grande, moneymaker, red cherry and costoluto fiorentino in a propagator (unheated) in the spare bedroom. Using regular seed compost.

              We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)



              • #8
                heres my contribution!..... 6 pots, 1 seed per pot in regular compost in the best south facing window, with a plastic bag over them for now.
                varieties are Amish Paste ( 1 seed each, saved from 2009 and 2010), cheriettes of fire, PW French Black, Purple Ukraine, white wonder.
                Finding Home


                • #9
                  Have just sown:-
                  2x Piglet Willies French Black
                  2x Amish Paste
                  2x Roma.......currently in the airing cupboard.....
                  S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                  a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                  You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                  • #10
                    today the kids and i planted the following in our heated propogator on the kitchen window sill

                    6 x cherry tomato
                    6 x beef tomato
                    6 x hot chille pepper
                    6 x ceyanne pepper

                    and 10 x chille medusa that i harvested from last years plant

                    fingers crossed they will work at least in part to fire the kids imagination for the coming year
                    May the road rise to meet you,
                    May the wind be always at your back,
                    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                    The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
                    Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


                    • #11
                      Joining in again this year...

                      5 x Costoluto Fiornetino
                      5 x Rose de Berne
                      5 x Dr Carolyn
                      5 x Millefleur (saved seeds)
                      10 x Unknown black tomato seeds saved from a market in Murcia, Spain.

                      The other seeds are all from Real Seeds and have been fantastic for the past 2 years.
                      Started on kitchen damp kitchen paper in old Chinese takeaway boxes, on a warm windowsill.
                      My 2014 No Dig Allotment
                      My 2013 No Dig Allotment
                      My 2012 No Dig Allotment
                      My 2011 No Dig Allotment


                      • #12
                        Have sown 6 x Tigerella and 6 x Black Cherry. They were done on New Year's Day. Fingers crossed!!


                        • #13
                          Well I have taken the plunge into early sowing, with just a few seeds.
                          5x Guernsey Island. Tomatoes.
                          5 x Ailsa Craig. Tomatoes.
                          5 x Sweet peppers California Wonder.

                          I am sure I will find a space for just 15 plants in the house for a while.
                          Mr TK's blog:
                          2nd Jan early tomato sowing.

                          Video build your own Poly-tunnel


                          • #14
                            I've kicked off with 6 half loo rolls filled with B&Q seed compost, 4 Canary Toms & 8 Gardeners Delight (2 seeds per pot). The plan is to bring on the strongest plants, nip them out early to encourage sideshoots & use the sideshoots for further plants just to see how many plants I can get from one seed. I have 2 strawberry planters spare so fingers crossed will look good filled with Gardeners Delight.
                            Attached Files
                            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • #15
                              last thursday i sowed
                              4 x black truffle
                              4 x yellow stuffer
                              4 x beefsteak
                              4 x tigerella-red stripe
                              i put them in a small propergator and left them in the backroom near the window.
                              i had a check on them this morning and all the beefsteak have come up and 2 yellow well pleased.
                              "if im not up the up the caravan"

                              bowers allotment society


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