I potted on my leggy seedlings. all now have their first set of true leaves at various sizes. One plant is very advanced but have no idea which kind, since my seedlings got mixed up.
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The Early Tomato Sowing Thread
I now have all 4 of the PWFB up, so am chuffed about that.
I've potted on 4 of my varieties and once the other 3 PWFB's are strong enough, will pot them up separately as well.
Must be time to think about the next wave of toms to sow!!.
Hi Amy,
would be good to see your pics.
Do you have the programme "paint" on your computer.
It might be under "accessories".
If you open your pic in paint, then shrink the size down 50%, say, and save it, it will be small enough to upload.
(there might be an easier way, but i always shrink things in "paint" on my pc)
Is it too late for early sowing?
On Tuesday I sowed one each of Gardener's Delight, French Black, Minibel, Tumbling Tom Red and Sungold.
My earlier ones are terribly leggy but still have only their seed leaves, so I can't repot them yet.The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.
Originally posted by AmyRose View PostDoes anyone have any photo's of their seedlings they can share?
I cant upload mine its too largei wanted to check whether they are 'normal' looking as this is the first time ive ever grown from seed (always just bought plugs)
The Linear Legume: Seed Sowing
I've just read this thread from start to finish & it makes a great read, cant wait to see how everyone gets on.
I planted some Cherry Red on 22nd Jan, along with some peppers, they are in modules in a south facing window sill & doing pretty well I think.
No signs of growth from the peppers yet, but the toms are about an inch or just over, i'm considering potting them on, but not sure if I should wait a bit longer? They arent too leggy, but I think they would benefit from being sunk into deeper soil.
I'm planning a rummage through my seed packets later to see what other ones I have & may start another tray tonight.
I now have 2 beams yellow pear, 3 black cherry and 1 sweet million. They were my 'early' project and look to be doing well, they all have at least 1 set of true leaves. I will sow a few more in a week or so's time, have just aquired some tomatoberry from suttons, I only normally do heirloom but these look quite interesting!
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