I hope this is the right place on the forum to post this thread.
This is my first serious attempt at gardening. I got the bug after a heart attack last March. While recovering I sat in the garden pricking out some seedlings and really got interested. Up until then I made pretty half hearted attempts at keeping the garden tidy, that was about it. I have quite a large garden at the back of the house, which had become a bit more than rough with lots of motorbikes under cover.
This is how the back garden used to look.

Looking out the kitchen window, the shed was in the top right hand corner. Measured 12 x 8 feet. Mainly used to store my wood turning lathe and bike parts. You can see the remains of an old greenhouse that got smashed in the storms. What was left was broken up and dumped. I used one side of the shed as art of the enclosure for my chickens which are now about 9 months old.
The original plan was to build a polytunnel where the shed was. Move the chicken run to the other side of the garden and then dig a veg patch between the new chicken run and the new polytunnel.
This is after the plot had been cleared for the polytunnel and I had started building the tunnel.

Took longer to build the tunnel than I had hoped, but old injuries prevent me doing too much at a time. There was a lot of work involving having my hands above shoulder hieght which does cause me a lot of pain, so I had to do a bit each day and pace myself.
This is my first serious attempt at gardening. I got the bug after a heart attack last March. While recovering I sat in the garden pricking out some seedlings and really got interested. Up until then I made pretty half hearted attempts at keeping the garden tidy, that was about it. I have quite a large garden at the back of the house, which had become a bit more than rough with lots of motorbikes under cover.
This is how the back garden used to look.

Looking out the kitchen window, the shed was in the top right hand corner. Measured 12 x 8 feet. Mainly used to store my wood turning lathe and bike parts. You can see the remains of an old greenhouse that got smashed in the storms. What was left was broken up and dumped. I used one side of the shed as art of the enclosure for my chickens which are now about 9 months old.
The original plan was to build a polytunnel where the shed was. Move the chicken run to the other side of the garden and then dig a veg patch between the new chicken run and the new polytunnel.
This is after the plot had been cleared for the polytunnel and I had started building the tunnel.

Took longer to build the tunnel than I had hoped, but old injuries prevent me doing too much at a time. There was a lot of work involving having my hands above shoulder hieght which does cause me a lot of pain, so I had to do a bit each day and pace myself.