ive eventualy cleared the last of the masses of weeds and rubbish that was on my plot yesterday.
along the bottom of my plot is an overgrown blackberry bush which basicly seperates my plot from my neighbours.i cleared some back and i found masses of strawberries in amongst the undergrowth.
im not to sure whats the best thing to do with them.ive heard strawberries are at there best for about 4/5 years and i dont know how long theyve been there.
should i leave them this season to see how they go.or take them all out as i did want the area for something else.
as its a new plot for me.ive only had it 5 weeks ive got so much going on in my brain at the moment.what i want.where i want it.what ive got to do....im having problems sleeping...

and i thought this was meant to be relaxing.
along the bottom of my plot is an overgrown blackberry bush which basicly seperates my plot from my neighbours.i cleared some back and i found masses of strawberries in amongst the undergrowth.
im not to sure whats the best thing to do with them.ive heard strawberries are at there best for about 4/5 years and i dont know how long theyve been there.
should i leave them this season to see how they go.or take them all out as i did want the area for something else.
as its a new plot for me.ive only had it 5 weeks ive got so much going on in my brain at the moment.what i want.where i want it.what ive got to do....im having problems sleeping...
