I work in a supported living service for autistic adults and people with severe learning difficulties. We have a massive garden at work, and there is a run down veg plot at the back that used to be used by a previous client. We have a new client that likes gardening, and I have put forward to my boss that I would be up for sorting out the patch and doing some gardening with our guys, she is very keen for this to happen 
Now its not a massive plot at all although I could make it bigger by making more of the space. The boss has said she can't really spend any money on it, but I can grow stuff for myself (I'll be giving some to my client of course, he likes veg & fruit) and do it as an activity with the guys which is great as I could do with some room to grow stuff.
What would you recommend growing? I need things that are fairly easy, prefably things our guys can get stuck in with and see growing, and things that aren't too time consuming. I'm definatley gonna grow some salad as he likes that and it is fast growing, some tomatos as they are cool to watch grow...but what else? Are carrots, broccoli, cabbage etc fairly easy? Does anyone else garden at work?

Now its not a massive plot at all although I could make it bigger by making more of the space. The boss has said she can't really spend any money on it, but I can grow stuff for myself (I'll be giving some to my client of course, he likes veg & fruit) and do it as an activity with the guys which is great as I could do with some room to grow stuff.
What would you recommend growing? I need things that are fairly easy, prefably things our guys can get stuck in with and see growing, and things that aren't too time consuming. I'm definatley gonna grow some salad as he likes that and it is fast growing, some tomatos as they are cool to watch grow...but what else? Are carrots, broccoli, cabbage etc fairly easy? Does anyone else garden at work?