I have acquired some jerusalem artichoke tubers. I've heard they don't keep very well, but I've also read that they shouldn't be planted out until Feb/Mar. What should I do with them? Is there a good way to store them until then or should I risk it and plant them out now?
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storing jerusalem artichokes
ive never grown them myself, but from wot i saw on 'edible garden' it looks like once you dig them up you just chuck one back in the ground ready for more plants next year. This was done in the middle of winter on the programme, so i dont think you have to wait. however im sure another grape will be along soon who can tell you for sure.http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Best to plant them now as they can be difficult to try and keep them in good quality till spring. As Crazii says once you have them established you just chuck a couple back in the ground each time you harvest the tubers. Beware they do grow very tall and so cast a long shadow.
Agree with the above plant them now! I have lots of tubers also if anyone can offer a swap on seeds.
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