Planted a few different varieties in November. Allmost all have an inch or more green growth. Except Elephant garlic. Planted 3 bulbs - 20 cloves? and not one is showing any sign of greenery or growing. Am I being too impatient?
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Anyone else got Elephant garlic thats not showing?
I got some for Christmas and not a peep from them yet, in fact they look a bit soggy
I planted some garlic in September and they sprouted tall shoots real quick and I planted more in late november and they have done nothing until a few days ago and are now 1 inch shoots.
The ones I planted in september have brown leaves on now and some green, do you think they will be ok and when will they be ready to dig up?
I popped to my plot yesterday and yes my elephant garlic was showing 2" and some bigger, in more sheltered spots. As I've also planted some at the end of a bed or section, to come up as nice flowers heads.
I bought a packet of 4 elephant galic cloves 3 or 4 years ago and have never bought anymore since, as I've had a good harvest every year, even though I allow them to flower, which apparently reduces the bulb size.
However last year I planted up a packet of 50 onion bulbs in Nov, at the same time as my garlic, and not 1 onion came up. It was a pack of Taylor's Red Baron, so couldn't blame cheap stock from Poundland or Wilkinson's. So I'll be planting my onions in the spring this year and in the future, as for whatever reason, garlic copes with the winter at my plot and onions don't.
I planted cloves of what Asda call 'Jumbo garlic', which may or may not be elephant garlic, but at any rate is pretty big, in late October, but nothing appeared until a few days ago, when I'd just about given up on them, but then I noticed, to my delight, lots of shoots between half an inch and two inches long. After planting them, I applied a mulch of compost, increasing the depth they were at, so, as Zazen says, that may be why mine failed to appear until now.
Nope mine aren't showing at all, and a furtle reveals they all seem a bit soft and 'empty' around the tips! Perhaps they have all rotted!
I have other garlic in pots (not elephant though - stupid, stupid - considering it was three times the price) that have stong thick shoots about two inches high.
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