On our market there is a choice.....Sturon, Stuttgarter and Turbo........Not sure which ones to get.......any suggestions ?
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Which onion sets....
I would love to try then all , not sure if I have room tho' cos I've got a lot growing from seed as well.......to have some from seed and some from sets is like hedging my betsS*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Try asking other plotholders nearby which varieties they plant that do well in your neighbourhood, or if you want to try diff varieties (but dont have the room), then perhaps split a bag with another plotholder, each get dif ones and plant half each?
Planted our sets today, 3 varieties, Sturon, Senshii and Red Barron (50, 100, 50, 200 in total), have to say that we've always done well with sets, although the red types usually are more prone to going to seed than the white types, my fave has to be the Sturon, reliable and a good cropper!
We've also got 3 types growing from seed, Ailsa Craig, Bedfordshire Champion and Hytech, hopeing to do better with onions from seed this year, historically we do well with sets, but not so good with onions from seed (yet we do fine with everything else grown from seed, weird huh?)Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
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