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  • Tomberries

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone has ever had any success in growing tomberries? I've saved some seeds from the ones that you get from Sainsburys a couple of times, and have planted them. I grew them in little pots outside and they grew and a couple of the plants grew a couple of little tomberries on them but they died (may have been down to my negligence!) before I could eat them, but there really were only two or three tomberries on each plant.

    So I was wondering if anyone had ever grown them, and if so, how they did it? Are they ever very prolific?

  • #2
    A kindly grape shared some seed with me a couple of years ago (also saved from shop bought tomatoes, not sure which supermarket though) and I've grown them the last couple of years in a polytunnel. I really like them

    I think growing them in little pots may have been the problem, as they are quite a large tomato plant. I treat them as cordons, they grow quite vigorously and produce good size vines with large trusses of sweet, tiny cherries which just shout eat me!
    Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


    • #3
      Tomberry is a trade name for very small tomato variety. I would have thought it was an F1so may not come try to type from saved seed. It is possible to buy what they call currant tomatoes from Robinsons seeds, they do both a red and a yellow. I am trying the yellow this year.



      • #4
        Luckily I don't think the 'Tomberries' I've been growing are an F variety as they do appear to grow true from seed each year
        Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


        • #5
          i have grown them a couple of years running (again saved from tomberries bought in Sainsbuys). I have grown them both in pots and in beds. The ones in pots had very little success, a few tomatoes but nothing to write home about. The ones in the bed went absolutely mad and I must have had a thousand or so little tomberries from one plant!


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