On my computer it takes ages to load up each page on the forum. The Grow Your Own bar at the top of the screen comes up immediately, but I have to wait around 30-60 seconds for the rest of the page to load.
I am using Firefox, but Explorer does the same thing. I've used three different computers at home and they all do the same. I am on TalkTalk.
I never used to have this problem with the forum, but the go slow has been an issue for a few months now.
Last week I went on this site at work and it all loaded instantaneously, so maybe it is something to do with my internet connection at home. But I never have a problem with other websites, including forums.
Does anybody know why this is happening and what I can do about it? It's so incredibly frustrating that I can't make the most of this forum because I simply don't have enough time to load each page.
I am using Firefox, but Explorer does the same thing. I've used three different computers at home and they all do the same. I am on TalkTalk.
I never used to have this problem with the forum, but the go slow has been an issue for a few months now.
Last week I went on this site at work and it all loaded instantaneously, so maybe it is something to do with my internet connection at home. But I never have a problem with other websites, including forums.
Does anybody know why this is happening and what I can do about it? It's so incredibly frustrating that I can't make the most of this forum because I simply don't have enough time to load each page.