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  • garlic

    Can someone please recommend a garlic variety tha5t can be planted now ? Or have a missed the boat ?
    If its not too late, where online could I order cloves ?

  • #2
    Hi Gingerneil, Thompson & Morgan have some spring planting garlic cloves for sale so you may still be in time to get some & plant them. Try this link to them.;term=garlic
    Into every life a little rain must fall.


    • #3
      thanks for the very quick reply !
      and amazingly, they're just round the corner from me in Ipswich !
      Last edited by gingerneil; 14-03-2007, 04:40 PM.


      • #4
        Hi Gingerneil,
        Am not trying to take the wind out of your sails or anything but you would be far better waiting until the Autumn for planting garlic.
        Garlic needs a spell of frosty weather to split the cloves and also likes a lonfg growing season.
        Having said that, i am sure they will grow for you and will be usable but just not very big.
        Good luck.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • #5
          Originally posted by bramble View Post
          Hi Gingerneil,
          Am not trying to take the wind out of your sails or anything but you would be far better waiting until the Autumn for planting garlic.
          Garlic needs a spell of frosty weather to split the cloves and also likes a lonfg growing season.
          Having said that, i am sure they will grow for you and will be usable but just not very big.
          Good luck.
          thanks for the confidence ! Its worth a go - I've got room for a small row next to the onions I just put in.


          • #6
            Spring planted garlic

            I planted my garlic (just a couple of supermarket bulbs split into cloves) in April last year and come late September I got some golf-ball sized bulbs nicely split into little cloves - I'll be doing the same this year and then planting in Autumn like I'm supposed to!!


            • #7
              Hi gingerneil!

              Just as a moral booster I think the varieties available for spring planting don't necessarily need a frosty period to split the cloves, so you should be ok!

              Like some of the other grapes though I tend to use the Autumn planting varieties (including Tesco's own!) which are looking very healthy at the mo!

              I have great hopes for the shop bought and the Garden Centre bought, Autumn planted cloves, but as always in gardening only time will tell!
              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

              Diversify & prosper


              • #8
                Solent Wight is a variety suitable from spring planting. I planted some cloves of this caiety last weekend, and the rest are going into pots on Saturday. It is ready for harvesting mid-late July.

                You can get it from The Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight (they do mail order) whether they will have any left is another matter though!
                There's vegetable growing in the family, but I must be adopted
                Happy Gardening!


                • #9
                  I too am planting a spring variety this year. The variety is Printanor and is available from Edwin Tuckers. The varieties recommended for spring planting do not require a cold snap to initiate the formation of cloves, though there are a greater selection of varieties if you use autumn planting types.
                  I should add that normally I would plant my garlic in the autumn but circumstances mean I have to plant a spring variety to get a crop this year.

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • #10
                    Bought some garlic yesterday 'Fokyhama' from Homebase £1.99 for 3 bulbs. Will plant ASAP, the pkt says planting time Feb/April harevest time July/August. Never grown garlic before so look forward to the results.
                    Denise xox

                    Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
                    -- Alfred E. Neumann


                    • #11
                      i have my patio tubs of autumn planted garlic coming through well, but have today just planted 10 cloves of elephant garlic that have come through from Dobies -
                      yesterday planted four rows of solent wight - from and also some lautrec wight from the same address. These were only ordered on sunday - and arrived by return. have mixed some sulphate of potash in with the plantings.
                      also, the elephant garlic I have planted in teh herbaceous border, as they make great flower heads - to save space in the plot. These are fab roasted - or make a wonderful puree.
                      they are dead easy to grow and last all through the winter. havent bought any garlic for over a year now!!!


                      • #12
                        Hi all. I've planted garlic in the autumn before with variable success - like most things, the weather can make or break it. The Old Wives (I'm one!) reckon you should plant it on the shortest day and harvest it on the longest day - but I've never done that. Last year's was a wash-out - too dry I think. I got squiddly little bulbs, but I dug em up and used them - very flavourful. However, I must have left some in because I now have a lovely little bed of garlic plants looking very healthy. Gardening's great, you can often rescue a dire situation.

                        Last edited by Flummery; 15-03-2007, 11:43 AM.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


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