Hi grapes.
Long time no speak I know but need you advice.
I have got 2 heated props and a 'blowaway' I have sown about 50 seeds in the heated prosp (chillis and toms) and I only have 7 seedlings
Obviously nowt in the blowaways has germinated due to the darn weather!
This time last year I have 2 blowaways rammed full of germinated seedlings.
I am using John Innes seed compost and making sure the seeds are not too wet or too dry.
Whats going on?????
Long time no speak I know but need you advice.
I have got 2 heated props and a 'blowaway' I have sown about 50 seeds in the heated prosp (chillis and toms) and I only have 7 seedlings
Obviously nowt in the blowaways has germinated due to the darn weather!
This time last year I have 2 blowaways rammed full of germinated seedlings.
I am using John Innes seed compost and making sure the seeds are not too wet or too dry.
Whats going on?????