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Potatos in Pots Puzzle


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  • Potatos in Pots Puzzle

    Last years left-over potatos have chitted beautifully in our allottment shed. In an energetic moment i have planted the ones with the most shoots in some spare, large pots (stones in the bottom, then compost, then good quality topsoil). The Potatos are at least 6 inches down. The pots have limited shelter.

    Two questions; am i too early and do the pots need regular watering as they appear to be very dry?

    Any comments re my experiment would be welcomed.


    Dog House.
    E glande quercus......

  • #2
    I'm a bot confused you have seedpotatoes left from last year and they are still ok? If they aren't seed potatoes you really shouldn't use them to grow spuds for this year with more on why here. Edited: the link I had doesn't seem to be working anymore. Basically seed potatoes are grown in such a way that they are disease free certain diseases are pretty bad. I will try and find the article again because it was very interesting

    If they are seedspuds i think you are a bit early I was told my early seedsspuds need to go in in april.

    Last edited by silvermam; 19-03-2007, 11:08 AM. Reason: link not working


    • #3

      I pur some in buckets 2 weeks ago and I am quite far North. It might not work but if it does early tatties for me

      I know on another thread some people had put them in buckets in Jan and covered with glass and they are up and growing well.

      Let us know how you get on, Mandy


      • #4
        Hi Doghouse, I'd give them a water if they're very dry but don't overdo it. They should be O.K. outside now (apart from the snow,hail & ice we've got at the mo.-whoops better stick them back in the shed), I've not put my chitted potatoes out in the tub/pots yet but will be doing soon as I usually do it around this time of year. The only thing you need to watch is if the shoots start coming through & frost is forecast, then I'd cover them up with fleece or put them undercover at night.
        Into every life a little rain must fall.


        • #5
          [QUOTE=silvermam;79040]I'm a bot confused you have seedpotatoes left from last year and they are still ok?

          Sorry your confused Silvermam, these are last years left-overs, not seed potatos.

          I just wanted to have some fun and see what happened.


          Dog House
          E glande quercus......


          • #6
            They'll be fine- just keep them frost free.

            Regards watering....if you squeeze a fistful of the soil in your hand and it stays in a clump, then it's damp enough.
            Remember that it may only be the top inch or so that's dried out and it's damp enough at 6 ins deep!
            Better to be a bit dry when it's this cold.
            Planting in pots will also prevent the spread of any disease on the spud from last year ( if there is any...)
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Thanks Everyone.

              E glande quercus......


              • #8
                Right! following on from this excellent advice will plant a few "tester" tatties in pots this weekend, like you say if the weather gets a bit nippy I can always pop them back in the greenhouse. Bernie aka Dexterdog
                Bernie aka DDL

                Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                • #9
                  ADVICE NEEDED
                  When you plant pots in tubs or in the ground, what is best
                  1. remove all chits but the biggest or
                  2. leave weel alone and plant up?
                  I have read both schools of thought and not sure which to follow, my first year growing pots on a larger scale, had 5 pots last year, with out much of a result, I cant rember which I did.
                  I learnt from it and keeping very detailed records this year -well so far at least.
                  Denise xox

                  Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
                  -- Alfred E. Neumann


                  • #10
                    I understand it to be that if you leave all the chits on, you will get more, but smaller, spuds. Leave a few on and you get fewer but bigger ones.
                    Correct me if I'm wrong!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      Your potatoes should be fine Dog House. I planted some in buckets in January. They've never been anywhere but outside - in a very sheltered position with a glass lean to thing in front of them. The shaws are all up big and beautiful. I've ben putting fleece over them these last few cold nights and they're fine.
                      If your growing in containers I don't think you're running any risk of didease. If you find you have any, just don't re-use the compost, get rid of it. Good luck.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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