I've sown some Masterpiece Longpod broad beans in a cool indoors room and they're now starting to poke through.
Last year my indoors sowings became soft and leggy. To avoid this do you think I'm ok to move them outside to a coldframe?
If so should i wait until they get bigger or get them out straight away? Will they need hardeninig off?
Sorry for all the questions - all advice really appreciated.
I've sown some Masterpiece Longpod broad beans in a cool indoors room and they're now starting to poke through.
Last year my indoors sowings became soft and leggy. To avoid this do you think I'm ok to move them outside to a coldframe?
If so should i wait until they get bigger or get them out straight away? Will they need hardeninig off?
Sorry for all the questions - all advice really appreciated.