Planted out more wild flowers and sweet peas that I'd grown in loo rolls and plugs, then re-homed some self seeded violas.
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What I did today 2012-2014
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Cleared a bed and planted out courgettes and pumpkin.
Potted up the tomatoes to their final pots
Planted out dwarf peas in the pt
potted on sweet peppers and pak choi
hardened off sweat peas - still too nervous to put them out yet
sow sweetcorn, kohl rabi, calabrese, chinese spinach variety, runner beans.
had very large glass of wine and then a settee snooze"Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage" Anais Nin.
"Or according to the size of your polytunnell" Judy Elliott
We had a tour around Scotland today. Went to Perth, had a walk at the hermitage then went home via Elgin! Got home and watered garden, bit o weeding then glass of wine and feet up. Tomorrow I will be planting stuff out and sowing more in the coldframe. There are signs of plant life in the garden and it makes the hard work worth it xWhen weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it.
If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.
Well what a productive weekend.
Things sowed
- carrots, autumn king2, purple haze and early Nantes.
-cauliflower, calabrese, PSB (early), kale, turnip, bolthardy,detroit2 and cylindra beetroot, spring onions, radish. Swede, little gem lettuce, rocket, Blue cornflower, cosmos sensation.
Planted five pots of gladioli bulbs, potted on chives, planted out seed sown onions, potted on chilli and tomato plants, planted some bought hosta's, netted strawberrys and raspberrys, planted out Brussel sprouts, filled planters with summer bedding plants, cut the lawn, watered and fed everything, turned the compost pile and had a general tidy up.
Feels like an achievement :-)
Digging was hard work in the warm sun but I got down the allotment and got half way through clearing bed 7.
Planted maincrop potatoes (Ratte and Cara) in beds 5 and 6.
Put 2.5 metre blue pipe hoops over bed 4, covered with 3 metre scaffold netting and planted out some cabbages (12xWhite Bison from garden centre yesterday). Cut pieces of weed fabric to put round the stems and hopefully keep off the cabbage root fly. So that's them thwarted along with the pigeons and the butterflies; I guess that just leaves the whitefly, the slugs and the clubroot to worry about. The brussels, kohl rabi and caulis will go in the same bed when they get a bit bigger.
Put some PSB seeds out to chit.
Started hardening off the dahlias.
Put some more lottie pictures up in my profile.
My lovely other half has put up the fruit cage we bought last year. It is a thing of beauty as far as I am concerned
I did the helping thing ... 'hold on to that', 'go get' etc. etc.
Also planted more second earlies, Red Baron onions (yesterday) and today Turbo and Stutgarter onion sets. The first Rocket potatoes have popped their heads up (and I quickly earthed them up after celebrating).
Seeds are starting to show. The strawberry plants are greening up. Shoots are starting to appear on the raspberries and wineberry canes.
We were working in the garden until 9 pm tonight, the birds were singing and it felt wonderfulAbsolute bliss.
Spent 3.5 hrs down the allotment this afternoon and it was just glorious. Opened up the polytunnel and dug over the furthest end and down one side. The ground was very hard but I had to get some large dandelions out. I am considering planting out a couple of my larger tomato plants in there later this week.
Tried to take apart the cold frame I put together a couple of weeks ago to fix the bit I did wrong but it wouldn't come apart so I will just have to make do with it as it is. I anchored it to the ground at the bottom of my legumes bed and I am going to plant the very large courgette plant that is growing like a triffid in the greenhouse into there this week.
Watered everything. Replaced the netting over my tiny cabbages and sprouts with stronger wired netting staked round them. I hope it works ok.
Put together two rose arches I bought at the end of last summer for £4.00 each. One was missing a screw and they were both a bit wobbly but I used some strong tape overe the more wobbly bits. Put them into the ground about 6ft apart and the plan is to strap some canes horizontally between the two and for the runner beans to grow over them. They look so pretty!
More potatoes are popping up through. Left them be for now but will cover over at the next frost forecast.
The apple blossom is just starting to flower and if was lovely sitting in the shade of the tree this afternoon. I feel like I am slowly getting prepared for the growing season ahead. So exciting.Likac66
Living in her own purple world
Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.
Planted out chillies and gherkins, sowed red kidney beans, peas, parsnips and radish. Cleaned pots. Mr PP cut grass paths in potager.Le Sarramea
Had a great weekend: weather was wonderful, guests were great and allowed me to get on in garden, so I got loads done.
Sieved two large wheelbarrow loads of compost out of heat and transferred to beds (where salad, beetroot, courgettes and celeriac are to be planted. I think there are a couple of barrowloads left too.
Sowed lettuce mixes (Kings and Nicky's seeds, spring onions (Perfomer from T&M and 'Ishikura Long White from the Real Seeds Company) and also Pak Choi Mr Fothergill "Colour and Crunch" which was a freebie from somewhere and a pity to waste.
I've never had much success with spirng onion white lisborn which is supposed to be the reliable one, so I am trying something more difficult in case that works.
I also sowed parsnips (tender and true) with raddish (french breakfast) in the same drills (this has worked really well in past years) and turnips (purple topped milan) between the drills (this is a new thing).
For all of these I pulled out the drills with an onion hoe, watered the bottom, sowed the seed and then covered over and firmed down.
I tried a new approach with carrots. I took one of those big fabric conatiners and filled it with a mix of multi purpose compost (80 litres) and sand (2 bags each about 25 litres) and with Master Loudbarker's help mixed until homogenous. I then sowed carrots on top (4 varieties - Amsterdam, Adelaide, Early Nantes and Early Nantes 2 each in a section of the top) and covered over with an other layer of compost - next tiem I will just gently rake the seeds in I think). Then I watered and covered the whole with fleece to keep out i) slugs and ii) carrot fly. I've not really succeeded with carrots sown in beds in the traditional way yet.
Covered sprouting potatos with weed surpressant fabric and cut holes for then spuds to grow through.
Watered soft fruit in pots - red, white and pink currents all covered with flowers so, late frost permitting, it looks like there will be plenty this year. Our pear tree is covered with blossom too!
Checked out seeds in greenhosue - courgettes, cucumbers, squash, french beans all germinating nicely - watered these and also toms, lettuce, celeriac and beetroot. Looks like a busy weekend next weekend getting salad and beetroot planted out and potting on toms.
Started mowing lawn, but mower broke down - will need to get mended next w/e.
Also weeded, and harvested lettuce (all year round), purple sprouting and last of the leeks.
Slept well.
- had a large drink after finding my plot flowers weedkillered for the 3rd time. I will not give up. I hope it's costing the culprit a fortune in RoundUp
- watered all the new sowings, we've had no rain since Feb and the seeds will fail. Established plants are fine without watering, their roots go down deep to find it, but new plantings need a bit of help.
- planted out more French beans & peas
- started clearing & planting up the weedkillered border. I have specific permission to do this, by the Site Sec and the Chairman, so if you're ready this, You Olde Git with the weedkiller, we're onto you
- showed my SiL the dog poo compost, she was kinda impressedAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I am fairly new to gardening although I did try about two years ago before I had my youngest. Have been reading this thread avidly since March and decided I should join in.
So far I have sown:
Brocolli (Autumn Calabrese) - which has been transplanted and is now in 4" pots in the greenhouse.
Brussell sprouts - as above.
Onion sets - started off in modules and now showing long green shoots so I have started hardening off for planting out.
Tomatoes - have a few Moneymaker, Sweet Millions, Red Robin and garden pearl. have transplanted them all into 3" pots and now half are in my utility room and the other half in greenhouse.
leeks - started off as seeds in modules and now transplanted into 4" pots in greenhouse.
Lettuce mixed leaves - sown in small pot in greenhouse and already harvesting. Need to sow some more now.
dried peas - planted for pea shoots and already being harvested- yum. will plant some more now that I am eating most of these !!!
Peppers - started from seed and in small pots at the moment. Will need to pot on soon.
Peas - tom thumb - started off in modules in greenhouse - doing well I will start hardening them off mid may and start a second sowing.
Sugar snap peas - as with peas and modules half tom thumb and half sugar snap. Will start a second sowing with tom thumb.
First early potatoes - planted in sacks - 4 in greenhouse 5 sacks are outside.
second early potatoes - going in today 6 bags worth.
parsnips - chitting on dampened tissue 15 germinated and planted in toilet rolls already in greenhouse and another 9 to do today.
carrots - rondo sown in a pot in greenhouse to start. Will sow others (Nantes) when weather warms up a bit more.
courgette - 4 seeds started in pots.
Beetroot - started off in modules yesterday.
lettuce - little gen - started off in modules yesterday.
Garlic was planted in the ground in feb and is doing well despite the snow, rains and frosts they have had to endure.
Sorry for the long post but just to record where I am to start with - promise the others will be shorter.Last edited by maisiem; 07-05-2013, 01:13 PM.
Today I've planted 2 rows of potatoes 2nds and main crop. Also on my overflow plot (as I'm calling it this year) I planted 2 short rows (9) of cabbage a short row of turnips and a short row of beetroot. Oh yeah I sowed a long row of peas. Only one bed left to fill up there now. Leeks and my onions and shallots from seed going in there.
Happy Gardening guysChris
My Allotment Journal @ Google+ and Youtube -
Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16
Collected a big bad of seaweed ready to put on a newly dug bed
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