Between the showers, Planted new potatoes (arran pilot) main crop potatoes (desiree) lettuce, shallots. Sown lettuce, carrots, turnip, French beans, potted on curly kale.
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What I did today 2012-2014
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Weeding and some watering in the greenhouses this morning then a committee meeting. Back off round the plots now to lock the greenhouses up for the night.Chris
My Allotment Journal @ Google+ and Youtube -
Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16
Chicken wire and pole fencing. Clipping of the grass edges before the village idiot gets his strimmer out again. Watered lotty, poly and greenhouse. Fed with foliar seaweed drench to all in poly. Trimmed chives for dinner tonight. Sowed more mixed leaves in containers. Gave chooks chard and pea shoot roots. Planted sweetcorn at home. Put brassicas and annuals out for hardening off/acclimatising. Weeded knot garden. Replanted some random foxgloves and poppies. General tidying up. Mr VVG bashed in two metposts and pine verticals for training the grapevines in the poly.
Shattered.Last edited by VirginVegGrower; 19-05-2013, 07:25 PM.Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Weeded the buttercups from around last year's bean sticks (still standing) and planted 4 sorts of mangetout and some sweetpeas there for a change.
Potted up a few more toms in the GH.
Added a cardboard box of lettuces into the trampoline and newspaper mulched the boxes of spuds.
My neighbour said that he thought the rotary line bean frame was a satellite receiver
Went down to my mum's today and helped her on her allotment for a change. Planted her sprouts for her.
She had rescued 18 tomatoes from me a few weeks ago and they had grown really well so I potted them on and brought 12 of them home with me. She had also been babysitting 6 sweet pepper and 3 chilli plants for me so they have come home too. Thanks mum!
Also went to the garden centre where she works and bought the following:
Some bedding plants (petunias, snap dragons and lobelia)
Herbs - thyme, tarragon, spearmint, lavender and rosemary.
2 strawberry plants to go in a grow bag for this year before I create a permanent fruit area next year.
A strip of red lettuce
3 globe artichoke plants. No idea how to grow these but I liked the idea of another interesting vegetable.
Pinched some apple mint out of my mum's garden.
Sorted out the greenhouse to fit everything in!Likac66
Living in her own purple world
Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.
Cleared perpetual spinage going to seed to make space for:
Planted out first batch of french beans yesterday - 24 safely under cloches. Need to sow the next batch next weekend.
Weeding out bits an pieces here and there.
Watered lettuce and beetroot planted out last week. Also watered all the soft fruit.
Cleared first batch of brambles up by new house. They will beurned. We plantred trees a couple of years ago and this was clearign out the scrup beneath to find more surving tree than we expected. The area will need to be kept down with strimmers etc until trees are large enough to keep brambles etc down.
Yesterday I planted out another length of gutter lettuce, filled up the emptied gutters and sowed some Little Gem and rocket. Did a little weeding. Fed the midgies.
Today I've itched, tried not to scratch, itched, scratched, itched, and ordered midge repellent.
Tonight's plan is to (finally) sow courgettes, squashes, runner and French beans, basil, nasturtiums. Indoors. Away from the midges. Hopefully.March is the new winter.
Just come in from the potting shed (well garage really, but I have a potting corner) - planted some cabbage, red cabbage, over-wintering cauli and some calabrese seeds, some basil, coriander and rocket and potted on a couple of tomatoes. Also planted into the flower garden at the front some 'mystery' plugs ... lost the labels, so maybe I'll be able to identify them if they ever bloom. I love getting home from work at a civilised hour!
- Sowed some Little Gem, Rocket and spring onions into a long planter.
- sowed some perpetual spinach into a pot and placed in greenhouse.
- earthed up the rocket potatoes in the greenhouse.
- planted up some more chitted parsnips in loo rolls in the greenhouse.
Hopefully good weather again tomorrow and I will get my second square foot bed planted up.
Applied Nematodes - get thee gone snugs (well, you never know, it might work). Planted cauli and cabbage in a treated covered raised bed - they are strong plants too, so here's hoping. Growing on some cabbage to get it fit to fight before I plant out next week, so did lots of potting on. I've sown coriander around the edge of the cauli bed. Doesn't sound much, but I've been at it all day! Oh and composted 5 big tomato plants who seem to have lost their leader, not sure how. Good job I didn't give too many away so have subs.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
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