Got Mr MS to start digging new beds at Lottiie while I took down the bean wigwam, planted a loganberry and raked up leaves to turn to leaf mould. Now that's what I call a date - forget moonlight and roses!
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What I did today 2012-2014
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It wasn't raining first thing so I went down the allotment and started going through the pile of rubbish ready for transport to the tip. I've now got enough rotten planks broken into handy sized pieces to fill the back of the car and take to the tip tomorrow.
That just leaves the old carpets, the broken toy plastic wheelbarrows etc etc for another day.
I've been meaning to do it all summer...
As the weather forecast predicted a nice sunny day, the car was packed and ready to go as soon as the sun came up. Got so much done, and now feel ready for the winter ahead. I Fell over with my wheelbarrow full of manure. I lost the balance of the barrow and it flipped to the side and pulled me over.
With my clothes now full of sludge, I just got up as if nothing happened only to realise that the man in the next allotment saw it all. Sooooo embarrassed, funny though.
Tidied away the bean poles, which had all fallen over anyway. Put plastic sheeting under plum trees to kill off weeds, and made a few slits to plant my new groundcover raspberry plants through. Fitted new spool onto the strimmer and started strimming away, but battery died on me. Sorted out some more saved seed - chard, sea beet, sweet pea and French beans and put into envelopes. Painstakingly boiled and peeled my stash of chestnuts from yesterday - a carrier bag full (in their prickly cases) ended up as a cupful! Mixed them with some of the walnuts we brought back from Portugal and made a yummy nut roastGardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes
Marked out the boundary between my plot and that of my new neighbours, re-used some dug-up carpet tiles to make a path, dug the first yard next to the new path and transplanted a row of blackberries and re-used angle iron supports.
Harvested the last of the Virginia Gold tobacco and hung it up to dry in the loft.
Swept up the fallen leaves that had collected outside the front door.
Took daughter to the front gate in the ute as it was WET, WET, WET!
Then filled in the two wombat holes - mud is so much heavier to work with.
Let out and fed the chooks. Frank wouldn't go further than a step out the door. Because it's wet mum! He's such a wuss.
Adoring all this rain, we have been desperate for it. We did have one good soaking but then a long dry windy spell again. This might get us out of trouble for summer with feed etc.
It's early yet here, only 9.30 am, so will do a lot of indoors houseworky stuff, and work out what we have that can reduce the food shopping this week. And then check out my transplanted seedlings and see if any new seedlings came up while I was away.
Hoping I can put out some seedlings by december without a frost taking them out.Ali
My blog:
Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!
One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Stuck some more garlic in the ground. Stuck more Japanese over wintering onions in the ground.
Itching to get and have a tidy up and do my broad beans etc. However, the plastering, tiling and all that guff has to be done. No free time when it is lightWhile wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.
No rain todayWent to the lottie with the two littlest helpers and a sack of leaves for the leafcage. Picked a radish for Lucas to take home. Littlies sat on the chairs and ate their snacks, but too wet and cold for them to dig for worms, so we didn't stay long. Felt good to get out though.
Had a day in the sun - weeding and clearing - very satisfying
Watched the birds and had lunch under the big ash tree.
Ate windfall apples and a very small, but sweet bunch of grapes that was lurking in the middle of the grapevine.
Draped bubblewrap over the remaining peppers and tomatoes in the GH - temperature dropping now - its going to be a cold night
Well when I got up today I had to take one of our learning disability (Service user is the PC term) to work by 7:30, On the way back it was almost like a spring day and I determined to spend it in the garden. However my wife announce we had to take our other chap and ourselves for a flu jab at 12 am.
Just getting him out of the house can be very difficult. We arrived at reception bang on time because he just doesnt like waiting and he kicks off big time. The receptionist informed me the appointment was for NEXT week. She said we could wait and the nurse would do us at the end of clinic or return next week.Well we chose to wait, but i wish we hadnt, David (name changed to protect the innocent) was unbeievable, he shouts, tries to undress, tears the magazines, constantly wants the loo even though he doesnt really etc etc.. I was drained after 1 and a half hours. Got home to find our other chap had returned from work and paniced when we werent there, he was in the process of about to use a crow bar on our knew double glazed window to get in. To add to my misery I'm sure I am getting man flu due to the album of my garden in my profile
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