Originally posted by Kaiya
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What I did today 2012-2014
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Bocking to those in Aberdeenand elsewhere
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Very productive day today and the weather was kind also!
Assembled my second hand greenhouse. Went to Wickes thinking I could buy a pack of spare fixing bolts...........no greenhouse stuff whatsoever.Settled for a small bag of normal nuts and bolts which sufficed.
Cultivated a small bed (Dug up some useable Cara spuds that I'd missed) and planted up a tray of well rooted shallots.
Added 8 bags of woodchippings to paths.
Weeded a bed and fed the weeds along with some sprouts that had gone to seed to the chooks.
Planted in a large container, a Rosemary plant I bought at B&M's for £1.99.
On reading the label it stated "Herb.............not for consumption"
Done an hours weeding and tidying......watered stuff in greenhouse and left for home, knackered but contented!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Well I feel quite lazy having just read your posts. Picked up 2 lavender plants on way to lottie for the fruit cage. Potted them up as they were root bound. Stained greenhouse shelving, stained fruit cage, gave seedlings their weekly drink.......Thar's it, doesn't sound much does it?sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
Sowed: More Peas, Broadbeans, Lettuces, and Cabbages in modules. Started some Kale and Purple Sprouting Broccoli in modules. And sowed 48 plant seeds for hanging baskets (Petunia's and Busy Lizzies, 24 of each).
Potted On: Broadbeans
Built: Another Brassica cage, this time not as high as my Brussels one, but longer in length for the Cabbages etc. (60cm high, 3m long, 1m wide).
Ooooh, I'm living on the edge, me!
Took all my beautiful tomato seedlings (which have come up a treat on the living room bay window sill) up to the lottie for potting up as they all have their first true leaves and are about two inches tall.
Of course I have done the usual and sown far too many (twenty-odd of each, Moneymaker,Red Cherry, Black Cherry, Black Russian, Ailsa Craig and Marmand). However, all potted up and snuggled into the smallest greenhouse. I've lit the paraffin heater, and am keeping my fingers crossed that the temperature doesn't drop too low and the heater doesn't go out!!!!When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!
Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View PostTa VVG, at least that shows on Google. No disrespect Kaiya, I haven't heard of Bocking either
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Attended the Exotic seed event at the lottie all very interesting ......weeded the garlic and overwintering onions , prepared a bed for the bored beansweeded the cabbages and psb ....sprinkled some chicken poo pellets where needed . Noted that the 2ft stick I bought from Lidl (well you can't come out empty handed can you?) has bigger buds than the bigger Aldi trees ......
S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Cleared the last of the savoy cabbages - the chickens had a feast!
Planted potatoes, sowed carrot and beetroot seed, potted on sweetpeas, weeded blummin' ground elder out of the raised beds, pricked out tomato seedlings into pots, harvested first lot of PSB.come visit a garden
or read about mine www.suburbanvegplot.blogspot.com/
Did some Patricks Day stuff and then got back for couple of hours in the garden..
Sowed direct my Alderman,Early Onwards and kelvedon peas..
Sowed some Leek seeds - Bulgarian Giant & Musselburgh
Procured some land from inlaws to plant spuds...yayI dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
Potted on tomatoes and cukes, sowed some beetroot, leeks, salad leaves, summer caulis and courgettes in modules. Went to the plot and planted 200 onion sets - that should be enough onions now! Forked over another bed. Waiting for the rain to stop to go back this morning and do a bit more.
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