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What I did today 2012-2014
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Finished sinking the base plates for polytunnel and then got the frame up except for one of the bracing struts. Couldn't fix that one because there is a bit missing and I'll have to make a replacement. Could do without the scutter. Also got to source a couple of dozen replacement coach bolts as I had to cut them with a hacksaw when the tunnel was dismantled. A couple of the baseboards broken so these need repairing as well. It's a pain re-erecting as opposed to erecting a whole new structure but I will get there
Busy week at work this week (typical when the weather is good), but managed to get out at lunchtime and deadhead the pansies, prune the buddleia and sow some nasturtium seeds.A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
Finally sorted out the little lean to greenhouse, after balancing pots on junk for the last few weeks- I discovered some abandoned blowaway frame bits jammed behind the shed, so didn't have to get too DIY-ey even to build staging.
Did a bit more digging through the bindweed bed- hopefully I'll be able to do a full day down there tomorrow, in the predicted sun, so I might be able to get in done and ready for spuds. Watch this space!
I've only just decided to start growing my own edibles, so last night I decided to test some of the compost from last year by planting some ginger on the window sill and planned my weekend to start digging plots in the garden ready for whatever goodies I decide to try to grow.
Yesterday afternoon my son and myself finished his little allotment pond off. We were given a couple of plants and we placed some stone and small logs around it. Also added a little bug hotel. It will be interesting to see whet moves inI've also got a few plants to put round the pond for some colour.
Sorry the photos a little big.
My Allotment Journal @ Google+ and Youtube -
Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16
I've done nothing "significant" for a few days now
I've got to a stage where there's not a lot to be done until the season starts proper, other than nurse on a few seedlings and plants kept indoors. I feel like I'm in a state of limbo and will be until May when I can get the tender plants and seedlings transferred outside *sigh*
Anything I do over the next 8 weeks is essentially going to be tinkering to alleviate the boredom
Not sure it counts
Look what my wife did put some garlic and shallots in
Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own ForumIn the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot
Sown Rainbow mix carrot into the bed, really looking forward to letting my 2yr old pull them up when the time comesand also I noticed the bird seed that fell onto my lawn from the birds table has sprouted in the grass, I only no sunflower ( lots! ) and whatever else is in the bill odie wild bird mix lol
Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum
Started building up my raised bed, then lots of planting in tunnelAttached Files
Didn't finish digging the future bed today, but got everything else done I had planned- had a bonfire, mulched the perennial brassica bed, the fruit trees, raspberries, weeded and tidied the herbs, and sowed some spinach, early carrots, radish and broccoli raab. Them I ran out of cocoa, so I had to come home.
Also sowed stuff at home- electric daisies, sunflowers, celeriac, and an experimental melon for the lean to. I'm not working until the evening tomorrow either, so it's back out there again if the weather's decent!
Originally posted by Jakejakeyjakejake View PostAfter three weeks two halfs of 2 different greenhouses part conservatory,[ATTACH]43207[/ATTACH]castle bodge is completed !!!sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
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KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
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