I just had a quick nose around, harvested more rhubarb,fixed the border of my flower bed with some of the many, many pebbles I got out of the bean bed, pulled a few tiny radishes (I was sooo curious!).
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What I did today 2012-2014
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This morning I did the dance of joy.. We have germination! Alright, so only four seeds popped their heads, two peas and two chard but ya know, this was a first sowing on my windowsills and a hopeful first sowing at that. The flat is unheated and up here it's still blooming cold.. so I was awful happy when I saw some life this morningNow I know that some are germinating, it feels like there is progress and I can start off some more hardier stuff!
Some kind Grapes sent me some seeds in the post a few weeks ago so today I will sow a couple each of the hardier seeds, including some more peas and a couple broad beans.. Exciting!
Bit late starting this year as I've been battling a thyroid deficiency over the winter.
Took the decision to make this year a bit easier so treated myself to some raised beds. Spent yesterday building two of the ready to put in some carrots and onions.
Will spend today building the French bean supports and fixing my (broken) grape vine support and mulching around my apple and cherry tree.
Also planning out where my next two beds will go. Thinking of trying radishes and courgettes which I have never grown before. Also need to source about 400 litres of topsoil to fill the raised beds as I don't have enough on the compost heap 😳.
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Popped to the Allotment on a flying visit, spread a little growmore over my recently planted Asparagus bed and Potato "bed" . . also noticed the first signs of Horsetail coming up so will schedule a weeding visit tomorrow to get as much out as I can without disturbing the Winter Field Beans.
Weeded a bed that has my cut flowers in it. The lillies are starting to show along with the irises. Trimmed back the Achillia along with a wayward grape vine.
Put washing line suspended on metal pins around a 6' X 4' raspberry bed to try and keep the waywood canes in trim.
Weeded a large bed where my beetroot and climbing french beans had been last year, I was surprised to find beans lying on the surface from the pods I didn't get cropped late in the season.
Dug up the last of my parsnips and took a first cutting of rhubarb home also.
My PSB is starting to go berserk so I can look forward to a regular supply of this luscious veg. Spring cabbage are doing well aslo so will start eating alternate plants sonn as spring greens leaving the others to heart up.My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Finished digging my friend's veg garden - at least I finished the first pass through. There are so many perennial weeds that I am going to have to go over it again before I plant anything.
Sowed 19 tomato seeds of various varieties.A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
Went down to lottie for 3 hours. Hmm, not as recovered from my virus as I thought: was fit for nowt afterwards. Got stuff done though - finished spud planting, sowed beetroot, put up netting for my peas and sowed them, put down the last bit of some paths I've been making, and weeded.
The cardboard bed is looking great, with virtually no weeds. I planted the spuds through the cardboard using a bulb planter, a tip learnt from this forum. Some of the cardboard has rotted down completely, some is still quite tough. I think the tough stuff came from IKEA. Even tho I made this bed the wrong way round, with manure under the card rather than on top of it, and a load of soil on top (there was a pile I needed to shift) it seems to be working - there are no weeds and loads of worms.
I put permeable black plastic and gravel around my fruit trees and bushes last year. This seems to have prompted the plum tree to blossom for the first time in 4 years. What a beautiful sight! There is some rhubarb in this mulched area too and it is streets ahead of the other rhubarb on the plot. Also the worm count is amazing and zillions of tiny spiders camped on the gravel last year.
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Gordon Bennett Stu, that's 1 foot per hour...................better start getting a move on pal.............
sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
I took a taxi to the garden centre to pick up 150 litres of compost, then spent the next five hours in the greenhouse. So many things needing potting on that I had to come inside twice to wash pots! Also planted my climbing beans, 3 per pot with canes for support, to go out onto the patio at the end of this month.
There's more work to be done, including some 50 spinach seeds that need pricking out, but I ran out of clean pots again and can't be bothered to wash any more today. So now I'm going to have a lovely cup of tea and prepare for the child invasion that is due to take place tonight.
Did work! My 6 day week, I hate working "Saturdays"
Nipped to "The Plot" on the way home, with intentions! "Knackered" never happened!
Got next week off! "Yippeeeeee"
Potted on the "Brassica's" n refilled a few pots n brought indoors to warm through!
Did I mention I am off next week?
Just shoved the "Petrol" tiller in the back of the motor! Looking forward to a full day on the plot tomoz!
Oh! I'm Off next week, did I tell ya?
Best go run OH her bath, for when she finishes her shift! Food prepared n cooked! Man of the 90's me!
Oh! n I just remembered, I'm off next week! How good is that?"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"
Originally posted by RaptorUK View Post. . also noticed the first signs of Horsetail coming up so will schedule a weeding visit tomorrow to get as much out as I can without disturbing the Winter Field Beans.Also put down a light covering of slug pellets, have seen an abundance of light green snails recently.
Mainly today I panicked about starting things too soon, then wondering where on earth I was going to put them (have no g-house or blowaway).
I potted on parsley, basil, tomatoes, courgettes (Verde di Italia), kohl rabi (Azur), one stray night-scented stock seedling, and beetroot. DD planted out some pea seedlings (I'm still a newbie and won't be sowing peas or beetroot in windowsill planters again) and a dwarf bean seedling. I've had to set up a table by the window in the sitting room as the house is being overrun by seedlingsIs there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?
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