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What I did today 2012-2014


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  • Went to wilko picked up some weed sheeting, some flower tubers and some perlite!

    Also picked up the bottle in this picture so I could make and store this bad boy chilli sauce
    Attached Files
    In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot


    • Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
      Took receipt of a birthday present. William Shakespeare rose 2000 and stuck it on the plot [ATTACH]44448[/ATTACH]

      horticulturalhobbit | 'obbitry of the horticultural kind!/HorticulturalH
      Great timing, HH, as it was Shakespeare's birthday this week as well as yours!

      'The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem
      For that sweet odour which doth in it live.'
      My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:


      • I spent yesterday and today digging out Elder roots , they just call it the Tea plant here , its the same plant as elder tree but not a tree, just 2m high shoots everywere
        So much root, this is just from the first half of this dug over patch, its all at between 1 and 2 spades deep
        Attached Files
        Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


        • Potted on for Britain. Potted on courgettes, pumpkins, tomatoes, melothrie and cucumber. Wishing I could fast forward three weeks and get it all into the garden. I've instructed DH to forcibly restrain me if I start sowing things in cell trays before April next year!
          Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


          • Took receipt of three more trees today, and now I know why they were so cheap .... they're tiny. The Trifoliate Orange (Bitter Orange) and Szechuan Pepper are about 15" tall from the surface of the soil, so they'll not be producing anything for a looooonnng time. The third was a surprise gift for my neighbour who keeps helping me out. That is a measly 4" tall. The tree not the neghbour ...

            I'll get my two potted up tomorrow. Stupid as it sounds, I'll probably put the Szechuan Pepper straight into a 35L pot so it puts on the quickest possible growth. According to the "destructions" it should reach a height of about 80cm (30" +) if "planted out" rather than kept in a pot (only 60cm) by the end of the year. Hopefully the larger pot will have that effect. I'm undecided on pot size for the Trifoliate Orange .... possibly the 10L pot my Mirabelle arrived in


            • Did loads of 'admin/domestic ' type stuff, complaining emails etc, but my 'free' p&p only, 12 lavender plug plants arrived and am really pleased, they look really good and healthy. Now have to find space for them on plot, more bees on my plot, lovely.

              Also ordered more 'comfrey plants' as last lot never arrived, so hope these ones do.


              • Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
                my 'free' p&p only, 12 lavender plug plants arrived and am really pleased, they look really good and healthy.
                Mine too really chuffed

                Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                • Carted some broken glass down to the botom of the plot to dispose of in the skip that will be arriving in the morning. Chucking it down, so no one to be seen.

                  Planted 40 mahoosive garlic cloves in modules just to get them started away. No idea where I'm going to plant them out to yet!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Originally posted by Snadger View Post

                    Planted 40 mahoosive garlic cloves in modules just to get them started away. No idea where I'm going to plant them out to yet!
                    Ooo I thought it was too late for these, can onion sets still go in too?

                    Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                    • Originally posted by Noosner View Post
                      Great timing, HH, as it was Shakespeare's birthday this week as well as yours!

                      'The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem
                      For that sweet odour which doth in it live.'
                      It's meant to smell lovely! Next one on my list is Anne Boleyn

                      Horticultural Hobbit




                      • Planted out six 3" pots-worth of Alpine strawberries, each with several small plants in, and covered them with bottomless milk bottle cloches. Then the heavens opened, and remain open
                        Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


                        • Lopped off an offending Mirabelle branch, trampled a few slugs and snails, and decided that was enough gardening stuff for today. Decided to treat myself to a day off and went shopping at a local farm shop.

                          Tea tonight for me and my mate next door will be kebab skewers with sirloin steak, pheasant, red peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and red onion, plus a 6 oz burger, a marinated boneless chicken thigh, and a venison steak. The plan is a BBQ - even if it's honking down with rain Suitable beverages are in the fridge chilling, and rain gear is strategically placed for any impending downpours.

                          Sometimes you've just got to put the world on hold for a while and enjoy yourself


                          • No gardening today apart from moving to big pots with the bedding plants out from the greenhouse to harden off a little.

                            Went to costco's to treat myself to a new video camera for my allotment journal v/blog thingy I do. It was £10 cheaper than last time I looked about 3 weeks ago so that was great.

                            I may have a wonder down the allotment after tea make sure its still there

                            My Allotment Journal @
                            Google+ and Youtube



                            Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                            • Just got back from b&q with 3 large verve multipurpose compost bags ready for tomorrow's assault on seedlings and seeds

                              Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                              • As well as sowing some more seeds, potted on brassica's to beef up before planting out!


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