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What I did today 2012-2014


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  • Yesterday I collected a pane of polycarb from next doors garden (from my new greenhouse), so this week I will mostly be putting that back in.......and shopping for silicone.

    Good job the night time temps this week are forecast to be 5C and above!

    The more help a man has in his garden, the less it belongs to him.
    William M. Davies


    • Weeded an allotment bed and put up two lots of canes.
      Replaced carpet from middle of the allotments along main path.
      Evicted ten lots of tomatoes and tomatillos (the latter outgrowing pots again!) to the greenhouse, hope that frost temperature is right cause I am not bringing em back in!
      Moved random cat poo from grass once more, swore vengeance eternal on someone else's pet, put supersoaker on shopping list for if I ever see it.
      Glared at my PSB, which Still hasn't done the purple or the sprouting bits of its name.


      • Ordered a poly tunnel
        Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

        Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


        • Its been raining solid sat and sun, My 2 baby Blue berry bushes were swimming in water so i braved the rain on sunday to save them. i sat inside just at the back door and drilled some more holes and drilled holes in my massiver new pot for my butternut. it finally stopped raining so i potted up 2 toms 1 Courgette and my butternut squash.

          Today i did a tad of weeding, Earthed up my 3 spuds. checked on my radish... which seems to be taking longer than the packet said.
          took my inside plants out to get some sun. took my blowaway cloch thingy off so thos plants could get some sun.

          Planted out some mangetout peas with neting and will cover in fleece later to protect them.

          thats about it really
          Only after the last tree has been cutdown Only after the last river has been poisoned Only after the last fish has been caught Only then will you find
          That money cannot be eaten
          Cree indian


          • Glorious sunshine - you know that stuff we haven't seen much of lately!
            Took another seed tray rack out of the greenhouse, the second one, and have placed it next to the other one against the fence. One has thick fleece covering it and the other now has the spare cover from my cloche on it. I'm trying to harden plants off so that I can get some in the ground in the next couple of weeks. Both are currently undone to allow the plants to benefit from this lovely weather and hopefully allow rack number one to dry off a bit as the recent long lasting torrential rain played havoc with the plants.
            I've angled the top of that rack and put a length of bubble wrap over the canes at the top in an effort to get any rain to run off it and not drown the plants again.
            I was doing all this so that I could free up space in the greenhouse and put my 30+ tomato plants onto my watering buckets.
            We are hoping to get away at some stage so I needed to check that my idea for watering was actually viable.
            I was pleased to see that the toms (which were pretty much on the dry side when I placed them, took up the moisture quite quickly although the pots are not actually sitting in water so that chuffed me.
            It got so hot in the greenhouse though that I had to come out as it made me quite dizzy.
            Last edited by Sanjo; 30-04-2012, 04:50 PM.


            • It stayed dry today so went to the lottie for two hours this afternoon. Rescued my empty wheelie bin from next plot and a section of plastic sheeting which had been blown across there by the strong winds. The metal pegs holding part of the enviromesh were pulled right out and the mesh was flapping. Planted up another 22 cabbages under it and sprinkled slug pellets round. Fixed the mesh down more firmly - I hope!
              Noticed that the three rows of potatoes were showing through so earthed them all up.
              Hoed round and about.
              Sowed 36 Climbing French Bean (Blue Lake) in pots in glass shed.
              Ran out of compost so couldn't sow the Runner Beans.
              Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


              • The sun shone today after two weeks of pretty much solid rain! Just spent a very happy half an hour repotting the first lot of squashes, which have been growing inside for about 2 weeks now. They are now sitting leggily on the fridge. Then sowed the second lot, plus the courgettes which will grow more slowly in the blowaway outside

                Probably should have done the beans, but ran out of time... plenty of time for those anyway, last frost isn't for a while.


                • Finally managed to get outside after work. Potted on six Black Cherry tomatoes and put two leggy Roma toms in their final buckets. Potted on six chillies and fed the rest. It's really cloudy again now, so I suppose "here it comes again".
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • And indeed, it is raining! *rolls eyes*


                    • Ooer - was it something I said Bethduckie? Spotting here too. Forgot to say, I pricked out some Tom Thumb lettuce and threw loads in the compost. They're in a plastic tub with petroleum jelly round the edges. You should see the stalks of stacks of brassica plants the snails and slugs have left for me, it was soul destroying.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Flo I've lost bras to the smallest snail in the world and he's even smaller now
                        Unfleeced the onions (well the wind did) .....planted out some big French shallots , spoke a bit on the radio, popped to neighbours for coffee, earthed up tatties , put straw on the growing up tatties, planted some michaelmas daisies, had to pass on the weeding (couldn't get down ) came home. Potted on some triffids , moved stuff about , pricked out some peppers ............
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • Planted out some shallots that were getting a bit pot bound.

                          Dibbled in 63 leeks (9 rows of 7) which I had set away last October from grass. They are a show strain of leek but I've planted them 6 inches apart just for the pot. I have a dozen or so which are potted on into individual pots in the greenhouse. These I will give a bit more space to when I plant them out in Jume.
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Its been drizzling all day but I did nip to the lottie and put my bamboo canes up for the French climbing beans.

                            My Allotment Journal @
                            Google+ and Youtube



                            Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                            • Attacked the finished compost bin and filled a medium sized bucket and transferred to the greenhouse ready for when I put the toms into their final resting place.
                              The compost bins are on the ground between the fruit trees and fruit bushes.
                              I had trouble digging the compost out from the bottom due to the fine roots which are growing into it, presumably from the fruit.
                              Started to earth up my early potatoes that are just showing, then remembered that I had already dug a deep channel and then a hole to place them, just so that I didn't have so much earthing up to do. DOH!
                              Still, if there is a frost then at least they are protected.
                              Stood at the greenhouse door and admired how neat it is after the grand tidy up yesterday.
                              I spent ages getting it ready for leaving if we go away but the weather is so foul where we were intending to go that the idea's been put to one side. Ah well, it needed doing anyway.
                              Last edited by Sanjo; 01-05-2012, 04:36 PM.


                              • Potted up the chillies and sowed courgettes and BNS


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