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What I did today 2012-2014


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  • Evicted all tomatillos and tomatoes into the greenhouse to be potted out next week no matter what.

    House no longer smells like a tomato garden after rain.

    Tried to remember to remind myself to sprout my french bean seeds this weekend.

    Put up supports for beans and peas at allotment. Hoping I can still dig between them to dump out the bokashi waste over the weekend.


    • Cut the lawn (well most of it). Bags and bags and bags of grass clippings now to get to the allotment.


      • I just googled 'Mangetout' I can't believe you've all been growing snowpeas without me knowing! I've got them in hanging baskets on the deck! Love the beggars. I'm checking them daily as I know once the feral kids know they are produciing there'll be none left for me! Ali

        My blog:

        Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

        One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

        Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


        • Mowed lawns, weeded long grass, stone bit that has become over wild - squaring off lawn so can add raised bed on it or similar. Disturbed a few frogs, but they hopped off happily to the pond area and there’s still plenty of long grass, things to hide under, the bricks and stones I moved and the pond itself to keep them happy after this initial disruption. Move onions from raised bed as too shallow for them now they’re bigger and put with others in raised trench. Potatoes doing well. If I grow by which vegetables I’m most likely to use/eat it would be onions, potatoes and broccoli, hands down lol.
          Saw a brown and beige/yellow butterfly this morning, not sure which?..
          Tied up roses to each other as instructed by BBC Gardening site calendar- need to put nail or similar on fence, as they wont stay as I’ve put them at present, just hook onto top of fence when winds blow again. Put Fuschia plant outside - would love to divide this to make more plants. Squashed a few snails - hate doing that as vegetarian, but birds or frogs will have them and I hate even more the holes in my pea plants that ‘should’ be thriving and have seem to have been eaten?

          Cut Lilacs to put in vases inside.. Love the smell of these flowers.

          Compost bin nearly full need to get another or make out of wood…


          • Potted on a couple of tomatoes and chillies. pricked out borage into individual pots, sowed Wintergreen cabbage, spaghetti squash, round courgettes. Sowed some dwarf french beans into modules and some straight into the ground. Put a support around the broad beans. Sowed spinach into a tray. Pricked out poached egg plants, some into modules, some into the bean wigwam. Phew. Still loads to do tomorrow.
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Took all my indoor triffids outside for some sun, checked this weeks forcast no frost so planted out 3 of my 7 borltti bean plants in an old toilet cistern up against our wall with a trellis and a few canes for good measure. saw that my indoor tomarto was in flower so got the one i had outside under cover which is also about to flower indoors so they can pollenate eachother. i have a conundrum as i have a mega triffid cougette in out kitchen which has flower buds etc but dont think the weather is good enough for it ? shall i risk it ?

              o and i put up the leaning trellis for my butternut aswell

              busy day
              Only after the last tree has been cutdown Only after the last river has been poisoned Only after the last fish has been caught Only then will you find
              That money cannot be eaten
              Cree indian


              • Can you put some fleece or something over it if you plant it outside Bexy, just in case there's a frost?
                Forgot - performed a tricky manoeuvre with some basil to split it into two pots. Hope it doesn't kill it, fingers firmly crossed.
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Potted on the last of my tomatoes and peppers, where they will stay till they grow a bit more and go into there final pots, tried to decide how to space everything in greenhouse and did a general tidy up.


                  • A lovely sunny afternoon - to the plot for a couple of hours. Little cauliflower plants into the bed under a cloche, planted out 2 courgettes. Sowed cornflower and canary creeper seeds - flowers for the bees I hope. Sowed more carrots, beetroot and lettuce (mini iceberg) and sowed some climbing frenchies straight into the ground. I've got some in modules in the g'house, but only about half have germinated. Started hardening off the potimarron and runner bean plants and the begonias for the baskets.


                    • Mowed the lawn and used the clippings to create a warm bed around the potato haulms. watered the greenhouse plants. The Dwarf beans and Tomatoes look ok, covered them with fleece as its going to be a cold one tonight

                      Also watered/fed all my windowsill plants of cucumbers, courgette, chillies, tomatoes, Peas and Beans. When is it going to be Summer?! need to get a lot of this in the ground


                      • - planted out the first of my climbing beans: Spagna butterbean
                        - started to weed, will have to return tomorrow because everything's gone whoosh in the sunshine
                        - added more coffee grinds as a mulch to the back lawn
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • Put up a whacking great big shed, which has taken all bl**dy day with Mr VVG. He'd got his design for the base all wrong - then said to me "you said this would happen, didn't you?" Er yes I did
                          Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                          Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                          • Worked 06:30 to 18:30 but glad the sun hadn't gone to bed because managed to weed an area and place my 0.5m x 0.5m raised bed in situ so I can plant my runner beans without the hounds shredding them

                            Laid some 'pet friendly' slug pellets around my St George runner beans in a previously prepared raised bed and put a fleece around them just in case but understand minimum down here tonight is around 7 degrees so should be okay (Touch wood).

                            Watered all the babies in the greenhouse and sterilized my used plant pots. Just now need to sterilize my own body prior to getting up at 05:10 in the morning for another long day shift......................

                            Is it too early to put cucumbers in their final stations in an unheated greenhouse?


                            • Brilliant day here. Rotovated my potato beds again(already done with big rotovator but rain had left it sodden) set up ridges, added used compost and a handful of growmore and planted my kitchen spuds. Really late for me but the weather has been abysmal here these last 5 weeks


                              • Opened the curtains and looked at the herbs growing in pots on the entertainment unit outside the windows on the verandah, and the snow peas in the hanging baskets. Big day today

                                My blog:

                                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


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